This is up to your insurance company. Why would you not have a police report anyway? The purpose of a police report is to get statements from all parties involved at the time of the accident before they have time to change their stories and make up facts. The police officer reports the statements and lists his/her observations and evidence at the scene to determine who is At Fault in the accident or incident. Sometimes an insurance company will not require a police report in cases such as an animal collision or glass claim where it wouldn't really make any difference to have a report because there is no real fault to determine. Most of the time a police report is required and necessary.
You can still report the accident to the insurance company and collect for damages. The Police will most likely not take a report. You would have to call them to verify that though.
If the police came out and made a report of it then it will be on your driving record. It will be a not-at-fault accident but it will still be on your driving record. If the police did not come out but your insurance knows about it then it will be on your CLUE report and be a not-at-fault accident.
You do not have to pay the deductible if the other person's insurance is paying the claim. If you put the claim through your insurance, and do not have uninsured, underinsured motorist protection then you will have to pay the deductible regardless of who's at fault.
Yes you can still file a claim with your insurance hopefully you got the other persons info so ythat you can pass it on to your adjuster.
Yes, less your deductible. You can call it vandalism.
Most insurers are really going to want a police report before they pay. I suspect that the owner of the car is going to find some way of getting their car fixed. If they have the details about you, they are either going to approach your insurance company or you for compensation. They can file a police report, but usually the police want both parties to be present.
In what locality?
Both parties will lose their license if a police report is taken. Both parties are still responsible for all damage incurred or injuries.
Which insurance company? If you don't know who it was, who should pay? If it was a hit and run accident, perhaps the police could help. If not, there should be a police report and you can get the information from there.
Absolutely. You have an obligation to report it to your insurance company and to cooperate with the settlement of the claim. If it was very small you can try to deal with the person directly to keep it from going on your insurance. Be carefull with this because you can't try to settle it your self then turn it over to your insurance company. You can contact them and ask them to get an estimate before you decide.
I assume your talking about California Calpers? Most likely you will still be able to get insurance through your new agency.
first call the police file a report then call your insurance company.