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Most insurers are really going to want a police report before they pay. I suspect that the owner of the car is going to find some way of getting their car fixed. If they have the details about you, they are either going to approach your insurance company or you for compensation. They can file a police report, but usually the police want both parties to be present.

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Q: If you are at fault but there was no police report and the other driver was driving someone else's car and they have no insurance and a suspended license will your insurer or you still have to pay?
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Does insurance cover a wreck if your license is suspended?

Insurance and Suspended LicensesYes, If you auto insurance policy was active and in force at the time of your accident then they will cover the losses to the extent and limits of your policy coverage. Bare in mind taht if the Insurance company was not previously aware of your license suspension and depending on the reason they may decide to cancel your policy.AnswerTypically, no. One of the conditions of coverage generally is the existence of a valid driver's license. If the license was suspended but you were nonetheless driving, the insurer may well have a coverage defense.

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Generally NO. If your insurer wishes to cancel your policy they are required to notify you prior to cancellation.

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Yes, if you are caught driving without insurance in any state, except New Hampshire, you're license will be suspended.

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yes you will because you must need a driving license to drive.

Would a suspended license driver be covered under full coverage car insurance?

Not in Canada. If your license is suspended, then any insurance claim that resulted from you driving while suspended would not be covered. If the car was damaged and it was parked and not being operated, then that is covered. But not if you are driving it.

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With a suspended insurance license, I would not because you will be breaking a law. With a suspended drivers license you can sell insurance.

Can your license be suspended for someone else driving your car without insurance?

I think it depends on your car insurance policy.

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No insurance company will cover you for driving whilst suspended. Any illegal activity will deem your policy null and void.