Not for auto. Each person has to be listed independently, and the rates will vary based on each drivers' history. Unmarried persons can be listed on the same policy. One person will be listed as primary driver, and others will show up as "additional drivers." Married persons show up the same way.
You can be on someone's insurance coverage only if they arrange to place you on it with their agent. You cannot put yourself on someone's insurance.You can be on someone's insurance coverage only if they arrange to place you on it with their agent. You cannot put yourself on someone's insurance.You can be on someone's insurance coverage only if they arrange to place you on it with their agent. You cannot put yourself on someone's insurance.You can be on someone's insurance coverage only if they arrange to place you on it with their agent. You cannot put yourself on someone's insurance.
Underinsured motorist coverage is a coverage in case you have an accident with someone who doesn't have insurance or enough insurance. For example, if someone hits you and they don't have enough coverage to fix your car, your insurance would help you out.
There are many reasons why someone would want to get event insurance coverage. In case someone has an accident or something during an event it is important to be insured.
Medicare is based on individual coverage. Unfortunately, you can't be added to someone's Medicare coverage.
Usually your own insurance.
Yes they will, but you may have to pay a deductable if you do not have uninsured motorist coverage, and you you must have comp & coll coverage.
That depends on your insurance coverage. If you have collision coverage, your insurance will cover your damages. If do not have that coverage and don't have the other vehicle license plate, unfortunately, you're stuck with all the bills.
Your coverage should kick in - if it was a matter of fault, you will be in the driver's shoes unfortunately.
The coverage you need will be specific to your own needs. The best way to asses the coverage you'll need is to speak with someone at the insurance agency that holds your policy. They can help you decide what kind of coverage you'll need.
It depends on the type of policy you purchased. It may provide coverage for permissive use or it may not. Contact your insurance agent and they can advise you of the coverage you have now and recommend the appropriate coverage for you.
Of course nobody has to have insurance, but it's always a good idea. Typically someone will request that you provide proof of insurance. If you have coverage for your mechanic shop, garage keepers coverage is an endorsement that extends coverage to the customers vehicle while in your possession.
Temporary health insurance coverage can be needed for a few different reasons. One of the most common reasons is losing a job. When you lose a job you can always apply for COBRA coverage.