Yes, but that shouldn't be needed. You can occasionally drive a friends car and be covered under their policy without being listed as a driver. If you are a regular driver of your friends car then see about being added as a driver to your friends auto policy. I have a question about that answer. Does the driver need to have his own insurance policy? if he drives his friends vehicle maybe once or twice a month? .... In the UK:
Yes, you can.
Using the car owners policy to drive the car is often allowed, as is the option to use your own insurance on another car as insurance often includes "borrowing a car with the owners permission" and "lending it to someone" . However the insurance is often only "3rd party." so if you crash the car, the car it's self is not covered, and you must either fix the car at your cost, or lose a friend. YOur best bet is to either speak to your insurance company, or get the car owner to speak to their company, and sort it out properly.
Yes you can.
General principle of insurance is that you can't insure something in which you don't have an interest.
Most insurance companies will not, they require you to have an "insurable interest" in the vehicle.
You can not do that. You have to make lumber yourself.
It's called empathy.
When you put yourself in someone elses shoes so you can understand how they feel.
It is illegal to steal someone elses copy of Minecraft, buy it yourself!
The owner of the car has to register the vehicle. The person on the registration must insure the vehicle, or be listed to drive that vehicle on a family policy. That example sounds close to insurance fraud so please correct the situation. Sell the car to the other person and they have to insure it. Actually it is 100% legal for a person to insure a vehicle registered in someone elses name so long as nothing illegal is going can be the parents etc.....
That person is the one that has to set up the insurance because they will be the one legally responsible for it and if you still drive the vehicle, you will have to be added as a driver. Since you are the owner of the vehicle, you would also have a legal responsibility if an accident occurs.
Not without some paperwork showing that you are leasing the vehicle or something like that. Also, it will be very hard to get insurance on the vehicle. If it were easy, I would probably want to register, drive and insure Jeff Gordon's car. See what I mean.
Click on someone elses car and select challenge, Then you will Race that person, But that's the only way you get to drive it.
then your both screwed