

Can you insure 2 cars

Updated: 9/16/2023
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12y ago

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Yes, you can insure 2 cars but it depends on your insurance company contract. Hope it helps:)

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Q: Can you insure 2 cars
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Related questions

Can you insure 2 cars with 1 company and 2 different cars with a different company?

Yes. No problem at all

Does it cost much more to insure 2 cars?

yes of course.

Are used cars more expensive to insure?

No. Generally speaking, used cars are actually less expensive to insure than new cars. This varies greatly depending on model however.

Can one person insure two cars?

One person can insure as many vehicles as he/she can afford.

If you own two homes in different states and keep a car at each home in which state do you license and insure the cars?

You will insure the cars based on where they are driven the most. If you drive more in one state, insure the car there.

What does 21st Century Insurance insure?

21st Century Insurance insure a wide variety of different cars. These include new cars, cars that have been used, as well as classic or vintage cars. They can also provide fully comprehensive cover.

Are Volvo cars expensive to insure?

extreemly expensive

Does Geico insure cars?

Yes. Geico insures cars as well as other types of vehicles.

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How many cars can one driver insure in New York?

As long as you pay the insurance premiums, there is no limit to the number of cars one driver can insure. The insurance companies will be happy to do business with you.

Are imported cars expensive to insure?

Imported cars are generally more expensive to insure. This is due to having to pay for the extra cost of shipping over parts in case an accident occurs.

What is an average rate to insure a classic car?

The cost to insure classic cars varies greatly for different cars. Classic car insurance rates usually are around $1000 a year.