check with your insurance company. Typically economy cars like the Corolla cost much less to insure than larger more expensive models.
like not that much they cost about like 3 thousand old cars they are cheap the new ones cost little more:)
Yes there are several cars that cost this much or more.
I will insure your car so repairs don't cost as much.
For what? To mail? To insure? To overnight? Please be more specific!
Insuring a minivan can be much cheaper than many other vehicles, including cars. The reason for this is that bigger cars generally cost less to insure.
The cost to insure a building and its contents varies greatly by size, location and value of contents.
The bare minimum to insure a car is $500
If and when gas is no more or the cost becomes too much there won't be much of a choice then.
The cost of insurance for a show car is actually based on the total value of that particular car. You always have the option to purchase additional insurance with any insurance company.
it costs a lot
Actually, Audi car insurance tends to be less than many other cars of the same (luxury) class but will be more than cars of different classes because they are luxury cars and thus more expensive to purchase. The more expensive a car is to purchase, the more it will be to insure.