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The cost to insure classic cars varies greatly for different cars. Classic car insurance rates usually are around $1000 a year.

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Q: What is an average rate to insure a classic car?
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What are some car insurance companies that will insure a classic truck?

Insurance companies that will insure classic trucks include Direct Line and More Than. A company called Classic Truck Insurance also insure classic trucks.

Are classic cars more expensive to insure?

Yes it is significantly more expensive to insure a nice classic car than a newer car. It is because they are more expensive to replace. you may have to pay a few hundred bucks a month to insure the car.

What is a good company to insure a Chevrolet classic car?

Geico is a good company to insure a Chevrolet classic car. Geico insures all types of classic cars, including the chevrolet and many more types as well as that one.

What companies will insure classic cars?

No, you can get regular insurance and you will be fine. You will be able to get full insurance and your classic car.

What is a collector car insurance company?

A classic car insurance company is different from a regular car insurance company because the specialize in classic cars. They will be able to insure you for your more expensive classic car.

Is getting insurance for a classic car any different than getting insurance for a new car?

Getting insurance for a classic car is very similar to getting insurance for a new car. The only difference is that it is more expensive to insure a classic car than a new car.

Does Texas have a classic car insurance policy?

No, the coverage not specific to a classic car but you can insure it. Texas does not have property taxes so you will pay more for other things like insurance.

Where can I find classic car insurance in NJ?

There are many classic car insurance companies in New Jersey. Leland-West is a great one that serves the area. They are great because they only insure classic cars.

What is a good rate for classic car insurance?

Classic car insurance rate may vary from $ 80.00 to $ 200.00. It also depends on a car condition weather it is old or new and car maker.

Can you get car insurance without a car to insure?

No. Remember that insurance follows a vehicle first, operator second. So, without having a car to insure, no rate can even be detected to begin with.

Where do I get classic car insurance in PA?

Try looking for an insurance company that specializes in providing car insurance for classic or collectible vehicles. They will be able to insure your vehicle and give you the best quotes for insurance.

What cars are the most expensive to insure?

Im not sure which is the most expensive, but rare, limited, classic cars can be expensive, lets take the McLaren F1 car for example, this is a rare, expensive, limited car wihch cost more to insure than buying the car itself. Mainly it is expensive to insure powerfull, sporty cars.