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Yes, all household operators should be listed.

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Q: Can you have two names on car insurance policy?
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Can you have two auto insurance policy on one car?

can anybody tell me if its possible (and legal) to have two car insurance policies on the same car? can anybody tell me if its possible (and legal) to have two car insurance policies on the same car?

Can two different people have an insurance policy on the same car?

Yes they can. Two people may have an insurable interest in a car and thus have a policy each.

What if the car had two insurance policy will both insurance pay on the car?

Not likely. I would check your auto insurance policy form and I think you will find that there will be a clause there that covers that. if you do claim on both it could be deemed as fraud.

Can two people have the same Car insurance policy but live in different household?

Two people in separate households can have the same insurance policy. Usually, you can give the insurance company separate garaging addresses.

Do two people have to share the same address to be on the same car insurance policy?


Can one life insurance policy have two names listed as the policy holder?

Do you mean as owner or as beneficiary? Either way, yes.

Can you have more than one car insurance policy on two cars in different states?


Can I add my your daughters car to my insurance policy?

No. In this state you must have a separate insurance policy for each car. Your area may be different. Why don't you call your agent and see. In another state it is possible to list two cars on one policy. I have no idea where you live or what the law is there.

Can I have two insurance on your car?

You cannot insure my car. You can insure YOUR car. While you can purchsae more than one insurance policy, you will only be paid for the actual loss you have. If you have $1000 in damage, each would pay $500. Minus each company's deductible. It says that in your policy.

If two people are living together how can the person that owns the car and has insurance in their name get insurance for the other person to be able to drive their car?

Call their agent and add the other person to their policy.

How do you add a non-owned car insurance option to a car insurance policy in the USA?

From a retired California Insurance Broker. The question is not clear as to the issue. When you have a US car insurance policy and you drive a car not owned by the policy holder you are automatically protected as to Liabality unless excluded. Most policy does not exclude such coverage. The phycial damage to the non owned car will not be coverd under your US policy. In commercial auto policy you may add non owned cars but not in personal auto policy. If you have a US auto policy you may decline when renting a car the liabily portion whic is the most expensive. Again check with your Broker to be certain that your policy does not exclude car rental, if not then only accept to buy physical damage only. Some credit card offers Insurance when the rental is charge to the card. A word of caution please call the credit card company and ask them if such insurance covers Liability and physical damage. Car insurance is divided into two major area 1. Liabilty. 2. Physical camage to the car which includes theft. ANSWER Non Owned car policy is also when you dont own a vehicle but you want a policy in force so you dont have a lapse in insurance coveage for when you go and buy a car. This policy is good for when a person is between cars fora period of time.

When a married couple has two cars should they have one combined auto insurance policy or two separate policies?

You need to have one policy that way you will be eligible for the "multi-car discount"