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You can obtain liability insurance if you do not own a car. It is often called "non-owners coverage" and will generally provide protection regardless of the car you are driving.

However, you must have an insurable interest in the vehicle in order to get physical damage coverage. An insurable interest is a "stake" in the continued existence of the vehicle. Therefore, if you are a co-owner of the vehicle, loaned money on it, or otherwise have a financial interest in it, you have an insurable interest sufficient to support an insurance transaction.

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Q: Can you get car insurance on yourself if you do not own a car?
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Your insurance is the protection; that's the nature of insurance.

Can you get car insurance of you have no car but rent cars frequently?

Some insurance agencies will let you get a sort of temporary coverage, but I'm pretty sure you can't get permanent car insurance for a car you don't own yourself.

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Do you need auto insurance to drive a car owned by someone else if you don't own a car?

yes, not for the car but for yourself. you will not be insured on their car though if you crash it.

How do you get car insurance if you dont own a car?

You can get a car insurance unless you will buy a car.

How do you get car insurance for yourself if you don't have a car?

You can buy Non-Owners Auto Insurance.

Do you have to own a car to have liability insurance?

It sorta makes sense that you would own a car. If you do not own a car why would you want liability insurance?

Will my own car insurance cover a rental car?

Your own car insurance will only cover a rental car in some cases. It will depend on your current insurance plan. Either way, you can take out insurance for the rental car.

Do you need car insurance in Ohio if you own your car?

Yes you will need car insurance in Ohio, if you own a car. Car insurance is mandatory to ensure people are covered for damage, in the case of a car accident.

What age do you need car insurance?

there is no age, you buy car insurance when you own a car

I need my step-daughter insurance on my car as she do not own her own car now?

you can put her on your insurance as a named driver

If you don't own a car do you need car insurance?

If you are going to drive a car, you should have insurance.