

Best Answer

Yes, you can provided the yellow lines are :

Solid yellow lines mark the center of a road used for two-way traffic.

Broken yellow lines mean you may pass if the broken line is next to your driving lane.

Two solid yellow lines mean no passing. Never drive to the left of these lines unless you are:

  • Turning left at an intersection.
  • Turning into or out of a private road or driveway.
  • In a carpool lane that has a designated entrance on the left.
  • Instructed by construction or other signs to drive on the other side of the road because your side is closed or blocked.

(1) Solid yellow line: No passing if solid yellow line is on your side.

(2) Double solid lines: DO NOT pass.

(3) Broken yellow line: May pass if movement can be made safely.

Two sets of solid double yellow lines spaced two or more feet apart are considered a barrier. Do not drive on or over this barrier or make a left turn or a U-turn across it except at designated openings. (See diagram .)

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Q: Can you cross a double yellow line to enter a driveway?
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You must not cross a solid double line in the center of the roadway to?

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No, it is not.

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When there are 2 sets of double solid yellow lines you may not cross it for any reason. They are treated as though it is a solid wall. If there is only one set of double yellow lines you can turn across it to enter a driveway or parking lot.If the inner line is a dashed line(and it would be wider than 2 feet) that area is used to begin or complete left turns

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You get to the roadthat's a bit obvious

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Yes they can If you are involve in any criminal activity.

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