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588 is a pretty low credit score. I am sure you can find a place that will finance you, depending on a couple things:

1) The price of the car you want to finance.

2) The amount of down payment you have.

3) The amount of collateral you have in possession.

A low credit score will result in a high interest rate. A high interest rate will result in a long / higher payment.

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Q: Can you buy a new car with a credit score of 588?
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Can you buy a car with owing on student loans?

Yes, buying a car will depend on your credit score.

Can i buy a car with a 548 beacon score?

Yes you can, just not with regular credit

What is the minimum credit score for getting a car loan?

It depends entirely on where you try to buy the car. You can get a car at a buy here/pay here kind of place with almost no credit. However, the finance charges and penalties for late paymetns are very stiff. You can get a car from a major dealer with a credit score of around 700.

How do you know if your credit level is good enough to buy a car?

You can check to see if your credit is good enough to buy a car by filling an application. There are many car dealers and finance companies that will finance your purchase regardless of your credit score so everyone can buy a new car.

Does buy a new car help get credit?

Only if you make every payment on time. If you mean paying cash for as new car, no that does not improve your credit score

Does credit score really matter anymore?

Yes, it does matter. Bad credit means you can't buy a house or car and get a loan.

Can you get a car loan with a credit score of 580?

Yes, this is a fair credit score.

Is 650 a bad credit score?

The credit score 650 is really not that bad. With a 650 credit score you can finance a home or car.

What are the main reasons that someone would want to get a copy of their credit report?

It depends, maybe someone wants to buy a car, they might need proof of their credit score, some dealerships require you to have a decent credit score; also, when buying a house, your credit score sometimes kicks in, so evidence of your credit score/report are necessary.

Credit score range?

credit score ranges from 300-850, so there is much room for improvement if you have a low credit score. You can do many things to improve your credit score, and it is essential if you want to buy a house or car in the future. There are also many benefits to having a good credit score, including getting approved for loans and lower interest rates. You can find the best credit score grades that will help you know your credit score grade.

One Of The Most Important Numbers?

Your credit report is one of the most important numbers you will have in your life. You can call one of the credit reporting agencies to have them send you your credit score. When you buy a car or a home your credit score will be used to determine the down payment and the monthly payments. It can also determine if you even get the house or car you wish to purchase. You can improve your credit score by making payments on time.