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I doubt it. He/she is probably no longer in your household, which is generally the boundary of your policy.

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Q: Can you add your child to your car insurance policy if he is married?
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Can you add a child to your health insurance policy if you're not married to the mother?

As long as you are a legal guardian then he should be able to be added.

Can you add a child to your insurance policy to cover their car?

Yes, you can add the child and the car

Will your auto insurance cover your child?

If you add the child as a driver on the policy.

Should you add a child to your auto insurance policy?

Not necessary- you only add/exclude drivers

Will your insurance cover your married daughter who drives your car?

Yes, as long as you add her as a regular driver on your insurance policy.

Can you add a step child to your insurance?

Absolutely; a step child is legitimately a member of a family and can be insured, or can be the beneficary of a family insurance policy, just like a biological child.

Do you have to add your child to your auto insurance policy if they do not live at your address?

In the state of Texas you do not have to list your child on your policy. If living in your home you can enlist a separate policy for that child. If living in another home it is never a requirement to have them on your policy although there are some policies which certain insurance companies write which require the child on your policy while living in your residence.

Can you add step children to medical insurance policy?

When you get married, and either spouse has children, those children can be added to the policy. If you have a family plan, step children can also be added to a medical insurance policy.

What is needed to add home insurance to replace a forced insurance policy?

Cancel the forced insurance policy and add terms and conditions to your homeowner policy.

Can you add someone elses car to your insurance policy if they are on the title and it is registered to them?

No. Absolutely not. You cannot insure a vehicle that you do not own. The only exemption of this is if the owner and insured are married and live together or a dependent child living at home. Most companies want an adult child to have their own insurance policy even if they live with you. Call your agent and ask to be sure.

Can you add your grandson to your car insurance policy?

Yes, you can add your grandson to your car insurance policy. Speak to your insurance broker.

Can a married child who is also a full time college student remain on the parents policy in California?

It doesn't really matter if the person is a child or married. You can always add an additional driver on your policy. That, of course, will cost you.