No. Absolutely not. You cannot insure a vehicle that you do not own. The only exemption of this is if the owner and insured are married and live together or a dependent child living at home. Most companies want an adult child to have their own insurance policy even if they live with you. Call your agent and ask to be sure.
This can probably vary from state to state. I was able to add a car registered in my bosses name on my insurance, but he had to listed as another driver. Sometimes the registered person will have to be added to your insurance policy. It may also vary by insurance carrier. your best solution is to call your insurance company and ask them their policy on this or when callin to get insurance quotes - ask.
General principle of insurance is that you can't insure something in which you don't have an interest.
If you are not the administrator, executor, or an heir to the will your will not know and frankly it is not anyone elses business about the life insurance or financial matters of the estate.
When using someone elses card, if you are not listed on the policy and no premium is being collected for you, then you will not have coverage.
You may be added to someone else's policy as a driver if you operate their vehicle. You cannot put a vehicle titled in your name on someone elses policy. The vehicle must be insured in the name of the person who owns the policy.
No, the insurance has to be on your car not someone elses.
That is fraud!
No. The named insured must be the vehicle owner. You cannot add your vehicle to another person's policy. If you do, the insurance company cannot pay any claims under the other person's policy because you have no contractual agreement with the insurance company and the other person cannot receive money as they are not the vehicle owner. The only exception to this is in the case of immediate family who reside together. All drivers must also be listed on the policy to have coverage.
No. Whoever's name is on the title is going to be on the registration and insurance also. You can pay for the car and title it in somebody elses name, but at that point you've given them a free car, because you have no legal rights to the vehicle at all.
um... yeah if your on your parents insurance....... i think
If you owned it, you claim on your insurance.
Your rates should not go up for someones violations unless they are listed on the policy.