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Yes. You can add and have an obligation to add anyone who drives your vehicles. This does not mean that you can add their vehicles onto your policy. You cannot insure a vehicle that you do not own.

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Q: Can you add a driver to your policy that does not live with you?
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Can you add a driver to your car insurance?

yes ,you can add driver's name in your insurance policy.

Can you add your roommate on your car insurance?

You can add your roommate to your auto policy as a driver but you cannot add their vehicle to your policy. You cannot insure a vehicle you do not own and since you have no legal relationship with a roommate you cannot add a vehicle they own to your policy. You do have an obligation to add them as a driver on your policy if they ever drive your car.

If your daughter does not live with you can she drive your car if you have more than one car in your insurance?

If your daughter does not live with you but drives your vehicles then she is still required to be listed as a driver on your policy. The policy states that all household members and regular drivers must be listed. A regular driver is anyone who drives your vehicles sometimes. This does not mean you can add a car titled to her on your policy even if she is listed as a driver but she is still required to be listed as a driver on your policy. If she is an adult driver it probably won't cost you anything anyway.

Can I add a relative to my policy that do not lives with me?

Yes, You can add any person to your policy whom you wish to designate as a covered driver.

How much does it cost to add an occasional driver to your insurance policy?

It really depends on what your insurance policy is.

Will your auto insurance cover your child?

If you add the child as a driver on the policy.

If you only carry liability insurance on a vehicle can you let your child drive it if they do not live with you?

All drivers should be listed on your policy to be a covered driver. you should add your child to your auto policy for proper coverage.

Can you add your father to your insurance policy even though he is not living with you?

Add him in what capacity? If it's an auto policy and you want to add him as a driver, that's fine. If you want him to be named on a homeowner's policy, it can only be done if he has actual interest in the property.

Do you have to add a stepchild to your car insurance?

If it is a licensed driver and in your household, then they should be added to your policy.

Are you covered if your boyfriend crashes your car?

Is your boyfriend listed as a driver on your auto policy? Does he live with you? If you do not have him listed as a driver on your policy and he is a regular driver or if he resides with you he must be listed as a driver on your policy. This is a part of your policy terms. If you do not abide by the policy terms the company can deny the claim due to material misrepresentation. This means if you lie to them they don't have to pay the claim.

Can a new driver without a car drive their parents' car under the parents' insurance?

Yes, but the parents have to add the new driver to their policy.

Can a 23 year old as a licensed driver be covered on parent's auto insurance policy?

Sure, The policy owner can add any driver to their auto insurance policy, In fact, If you are a regular driver the owner is required to disclose such and list you as a scheduled driver, otherwise the insurance company could deny coverage in the event of an accident involving an unscheduled driver. It does not matter if your related or not.