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If your daughter does not live with you but drives your vehicles then she is still required to be listed as a driver on your policy. The policy states that all household members and regular drivers must be listed. A regular driver is anyone who drives your vehicles sometimes. This does not mean you can add a car titled to her on your policy even if she is listed as a driver but she is still required to be listed as a driver on your policy. If she is an adult driver it probably won't cost you anything anyway.

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Q: If your daughter does not live with you can she drive your car if you have more than one car in your insurance?
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== == It will be a decision by the insurance company if they want to continue to insure such a driver. Remember that they are NOT obliged to insure any one they consider a bad risk, including your daughter. You may decide she cannot drive your car any more. If she lives in the same house, she will have to surrender her license to the state, in order for the insurance company to be sure she will not drive your car any longer. The other choice is for her to get her own insurance and her own car. Let her pay her own way in life, like an adult does, or not.

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It depends on the insurance company. There are some out there where you can get insurance on you to drive any vehicle and be covered, it is normally more expensive that way.

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Because they have just learnt to drive and insurance companies believe they are more likely to crash.

Do Pennsylvania car insurance laws require you to have collision?

Yes they do. You will have to get at least get collision insurance if you want to drive a car in Pennsylvania. More insurance is good though.

The cost of automobile insurance depends on what?

Age, gender, marital status, where you live, violations you have had, what kind of car you drive, accident claims, credit, occupation, education, miles you drive each year, driving experience, what the car is used for, if you already have insurance, if you have anti-theft device, if you have more than one car or more than one person driving your car. Yup...

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It all depends, you have to be more specific

The insurance is in my name i let my daughter used my car but she's wasn't added to my insurance she got in to an accident on private property were she an a lady back up at the same time who at faultt?

more than likely it would be you and your daughter that are in trouble, considering that she was not on the insurance. so there for you will have to pay for the other ladies repairs out of your own pocket not to mention the insurance ticket.

Will an auto insurance quote be more expensive for drivers under the age of 25?

Insurance is likely to be more expensive for someone under the age of 25. Your rate will depend on your credit history, type of car you drive, number of miles you drive as well as your coverage.