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Yes, but the parents have to add the new driver to their policy.

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Q: Can a new driver without a car drive their parents' car under the parents' insurance?
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Can a restricted driver drive while not on parents' insurance?

If you have your own. Otherwise it is illegal to drive without insurance...and if you cause an accident and dont have insurance to pay for it you will be in really really big trouble.

Do you need insurance to learn to drive?

To learn, no. But you need insurance once you become a licensed driver, or you need to be covered under your parents insurance. In most if not all states, it is against the law to drive without insurance.

Can you get a driver's license in Texas without insurance?

NO! You would be a fool to drive without insurance.

Is it illegal for a driver with only a permit to drive his parent's car without having his name added to the insurance?

it is not illegal for a driver with only a permit to drive his parent's car without having his name added to the insurance.

May a licensed driver legally drive without auto insurance?

Not in Texas.

Can a 18 year old get cheap car insurance if her parents do not drive?

The answer: No. Insurance is not cheap to any young driver. Not being on a parents policy can be more expensive as well.

Can you drive your parents car with a permit if you are not on their insurance?

if you have licence, and you have permission to driver the car, then you can drive the car,but laws change from state to state,so in some countries, insurance is compulsory to drive the car

Can you drive without a visa or green card?

You need a driver's license to drive, and insurance on the vehicle you're driving.

Once a teen driver with a permit gets a license in Texas can he or she still drive with an insured parent in the front seat without being on parents' insurance?

No. Added: Once they receive it they are then a fully licensed driver and legally responsible for their own actions behind the wheel. Insurance companies require that they be added to their parents policy (or get their own).

Can you get car insurance without a driver's license?

No. You cannot legally drive so they would not cover you.

Can a student driver drive without insurance?

No driver is allowed to operate a vehicle on public roads in the U.S. without Financial Responsibility regardless of license status.

How can a high risk driver find affordable insurance?

There are many ways for a high risk driver to find affordable insurance. One way would be to drive safer so that the insurance goes down. Another way would be for them to drive a car in their parents' names to avoid paying their own insurance.