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No they can't deny the claim, if their client has a legal liability. His lack of cooperation could delay getting it settled. You should ask for compensation for costs associated with those delays. Document them.

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Q: Can the insurance company of the driver at fault deny your claim because they can not get cooperation from the driver or owner of the car?
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Can an insured driver still sue me after his car was fixed by his insurance?

It is more likely you will be sued by the insured driver's insurance company. Just because the other driver had insurance, that does not exonerate you from having to pay damages if you are liable.

Can you sue at fault driver in California who has insurance if his insurance company refuses to pay your claim for medical expenses or do you have to sue his insurance company?

yes. you can sue an at fault driver if his insurance company refuses to pay your claim. it would not be proper to sue the insurance company.

Can name driver take over policy if registered driver dies?

If the registered driver has died, then legally there is no insurance on the vehicles, because the person who opened the insurance account ceases to exist.You need to contact the insurance company and let them know the registered driver is deceased. They will have better information, since policy can differ depending on company and region.

Will the insurance company pay for the damages caused by their driver if the injured victim is driving unlicensed and the car has been totaled?

Let's see if I can follow this. Insurance company A is at fault because of actions caused by driver A. Driver B who is not at fault is injured, but is unlicensed, and Auto B has been totalled. Insurance company A is going to have to pay damages to Driver B for property damage as well as for injuries because Driver A is deemed at fault. The fact that Driver B is unlicensed is a non-moving violation and Driver B will have to pay a substantial fines for these issues.

What does excluded driver mean on policy?

One of my family members was hit by a driver who carried insurance but was an "excluded" driver on the policy of the car she was driving. After talking to the other person's insurance company, an excluded driver is essentially equivalent to an uninsured motorist. That means that his/her insurance company will not represent them and that, if they are liable for the accident, your insurance company can go after them personally for the damages.

Where can I find information on new driver insurance?

You can get information related to young driver insurance at compare market insurance.

If your auto is hit the other driver's auto insurance pays all medical expenses and so does your health insurance must you reimburse your company?

You do not have to reimburse your insurance company if the accident is the fault of the other driver and the claim is made on their insurance. If the accident is the fault of the other driver and their insurance does not cover everything and you make a claim on your insurance for reimbursement, your insurance will subrogate (collect back) from the other company.

Can i be the only named driver on a vehicle that belongs to someone who hasn't got a driving license?

Yes. Insurance covers the vehicle and the driver. You do have to be aware of insurable interest. The insurance company may not want to pay you for the damage you did to someone's car because you would gain from the other person's loss. You should really work with an insurance agent because rules are different from company to company.

If your parents have Metlife will their insurance go up if you get your learner's permit?

You will have to check with the insurance company. Because a person with a permit has to have a licensed driver in the car, some insurance companies will not charge anything. Others may, it depends on the company.

What insurance company is liable if a pedestrain is hit by a car?

The driver who hit the pedestrian is liable, not their insurance company. The drivers insurance company will normally be responsible for payment of valid claims up to the policy limits for which the their insured driver is found liable.

What if the driver at fault will not call their insurance company to report the accident?

If the other party is refusing to call their insurance company - then you should call their insurance company and file the claim.

What can you do if you are hit by another driver and got their license number and the police charged them but their insurance will not pay because the owner says a friend was driving the vehicle?

It shouldn't matter who was driving. The insurance company is responsible for the VEHICLE not the driver.