Yes but you would need to have the lessor and the lessee as additional insureds on the policy.
The difference is ownership. When you buy something, it is yours. When you lease something, it belong to someone else and you have a certain set of agreed upon rights but at some point the business returns to the owner.
Insurance and a license plate
Yes because even though your going to give it to someone, you will still legally own that car.
I have known people to buy vehicle without a driver's license, but I don't believe you can insure it. You probably could get storage insurance, or maybe insure it with someone else as a primary driver. But most likely the insurance will have to be purchased by someone else. im an auto insurance agent.... in some states, you may insure your car even if you dont have a valid driver license. you may also buy your own car in some dealerships. you just gotta look for them...
The vehicle is insured not the individual. You can pay for and obtain the insurance in the name of the owner with you listed as an insured operator.
That would be "Insurance Fraud". If caught it is a felony and punishable by up to 20 years in prison.
No, but if it isn't spouse or your your kids you'll need to swap the log book over to their name.
GAP insurance is normally offered to you when you buy a car. If it was purchased at all, that is up to you. If you do not have it then you can find someone else that offers it. A few insurance carriers offer this as part of their plan. Progressive and Unitrin offer that with their auto insurance policies.
Container insurance is insurance that can be purchased by ship operators who own, operate, or lease containers for cargo ships. Purchasing container insurance from Skuld would be an excellent choice.
You're talking about a 'dead peasant' policy. Yes, they do exist. Wal Mart was one of the bigger known names doing that with their employees.
Yes, but it will be likely that there will be no insurance that would cover that phone if it got damaged.
You can buy camera insurance from someone who has camera insurance like the ones who sell the camers to you yes thats about it or go search it yoursef