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No, but if it isn't spouse or your your kids you'll need to swap the log book over to their name.

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Q: I have my own car and insurance If I buy a car for someone else and I am not the driver do I have to be under that car's insurance as well?
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If someone gets a speeding ticket in your car does their insurance go up or does the owner of the cars?

Tickets are issued to people not cars. If you get a ticket while driving someone else's car, it only affects their insurance costs if you are a listed driver on their policy. The ticket is for the driver.

What insurance covers medical bills in an accident where someone not on the cars insurance was driving and wrecked?

The un-insured driver will have to turn to their health insurance company for coverage if he carried no auto insurance.

How many cars can one driver insure in New York?

As long as you pay the insurance premiums, there is no limit to the number of cars one driver can insure. The insurance companies will be happy to do business with you.

Can you be the main driver with two cars and two different insurance companices?

Yes you can.

Do two cars have to have the same name on the titles to have them under the same insurance policy?

No. I have three cars under the same insurance policy and each is registered to a different name.

Where can someone find the cheapest insurance for classic cars?

One can contact several insurance companies and ask for their insurance prices for classic cars. One can compare the different prices to find the cheapest insurance for classic cars.

Can you put two cars under disability insurance?

Only human beings are covered by disability insurance. If you want to insure cars, you require automobile insurance.

How many cars can you have under geico insurance?

As many as you can afford.

Is auto insurance more expensive for teen drivers driving sports cars compared to regular vehicles?

Auto insurance rating multiplies the base insurance rate for a car times the factor for the driver. So a car which has bad experience, multiplied by teen driver (much more likely to kill someone in an accident), results in higher premium.

Where can someone get information on insurance for classic cars?

Information about insurance for classic cars can be found online on websites such as: "moneysupermarket", "geico", "theaa", "bankrate", "insure", "axa".

If someone else drives your car with a valid license but no insurance of their own what happens if that driver has an accident who is responsible?

Technically, You are responsible for the car because the car insurance is in your name and not theirs. You can also go to court and they will investigate to see who should pay for accidental damages on the car but the Judge can also make the driver pay your cars insurance. It can go either way you or them depending on evidence of the accident.

Where is fuse box on Porsche 356?

On early cars, it is under the right side of the dash. On later cars it is under the hood, on the driver's side rear of the compartment.