Technically, You are responsible for the car because the car insurance is in your name and not theirs. You can also go to court and they will investigate to see who should pay for accidental damages on the car but the Judge can also make the driver pay your cars insurance. It can go either way you or them depending on evidence of the accident.
no insurance + jail
The license status of the other driver has no bearing on your liability. If you were at fault you are still responsible for any damages and injuries. Just report it to your insurance company as you would any other accident.
you got to jail for not having insurance or a vaild license and you are personally liable for all the damages you caused.
Why were you driving without a license? You will be prosecuted for the violation but it has nothing to with fault. If the other party was at fault their insurance is responsible for damages to your car. You will never get your license back. Habitual gets you jail time.
your still in trouble since you dont have a License,if you have a mean judge,
It all depends on her insurance cover
Points on your license does not automatically raise your insurance until the insurance company looks at your record. This usually only happens when you change your policy or have an accident.
The driver does not have proper insurance at this point. since the insurance did not cover provisional licenses, the insurance provider mask likely does not have to pay out on any claim.
going to be paying the state lots of me and the owner of the other car
Your insurance rate goes sky high.
If two cars crash and neither driver has insurance, the police officer arriving on the scene will of course both issue you tickets for no insurance, and your license can be suspended. The officer will also determine who was at fault, generally the faulty party is responsible for damages. Otherwise you are both on your own for being negligent for not having insurance at the time of the accident.
If you're responsible for the accident, you're still responsible even if the other person hasn't got a driver's license.