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Yes you can still file a claim.

Who pays if you are involved with an accident?

if you're from UK and you have suffered an accident in the last three years with these type of accident, work accident, road accident, medical negligence, trips&slips, public liability and others that you know that its not your fault.

The link that i gave you will help you claim your personal injury claim even if the accident happened in the last 3 years. I've already tried their service and they provide free services and has No win no fee policy.

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Q: Can i still file a claim even if its been 2 and half years since i been involved in an accident?
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If you have a car accident and don't make a claim does it still count as a claim?

no you have to make a claim for it to be regestered as a claim

Can you still claim for benefit after six years of the accident?

Depends on whether you are still legitimately affected by the accident.

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Yes, the claim is for the date that the accident happened.

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Can you go after the auto insurance co of your employer if your involved in an auto accident in your work vehicle and it was your fault?

Yes. If it's a company car and is insured through your employer, the employer's insurance company would pay out the claim. The accident would still show up on your record though.

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The other party can still file a claim with your insurance company, but it is highly unlikely that the Police would get involved at this point. Depending on what state you are in, the other party has years to file that claim. If the accident was that minor and they haven't reported it by now, they probably never will.

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Can you still receive an injury claim five months after an accident?

Short answer, depending upon the state yes.

Can a passenger in a car accident goes to hospital a day after the event occurred and still file his claim?

File, yes, you can file a claim. You may or may not win the claim depending on the type and severity of the injury and how well documented the link between the accident and your injuries may be.

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Is a drunk driver always at fault in an accident?

No, but if involved in an accident, even when not at fault, the drunk driver would still be guilty of, and could be charged with, DUI.

If there was a minor accident and no police report was filed can an insurance claim still be made after the fact?

Yes you can still file a claim with your insurance hopefully you got the other persons info so ythat you can pass it on to your adjuster.