Car insurance companies do not require full payment upon acceptance. They do however ask for a down payment. If you go through a 3rd party you maybe able to get car insurance without a down payment.
Arguably the 2 most reputable insurance companies that offer automobile insurance with no down payment are "esurance" and "Car Insurance". Any other would typically involve at least a credit check.
One can go to local car dealers to see if they offer low down payment auto insurance. One can also go to websites such as Cheap Insurance Outlet, CarsDirect, and Free Insurance Quotation in order to obtain low down payment auto insurance.
Yes you absolutely can get a car repaired without car insurance as long as the repair shop will accept that and they will accept other methods of payment like a check or cash or credit/debit cards.
As long as there is no lien against the old car, you can use the insurance settlement for anything you want. But you won't be able to get insurance on it until it is repaired.
Cheap gap car insurance can be found in Texas but only under certain locations. You could try an all state or a Texas home insurance company for cheap gap insurance policies.
The car dealer is not required to collect a down payment. The finance company is the one who usually asks for it. If they desire a down payment, they will contact you to get it.
You'll want to pay at least 20% so you don't have to get insurance. so about $800
Interest and down payment.
The down payment will depend upon how much you want your payments to be. Most places like to see around 20%, which would be around $16,000.