Arguably the 2 most reputable insurance companies that offer automobile insurance with no down payment are "esurance" and "Car Insurance". Any other would typically involve at least a credit check.
Some financial firms that offer insurance in case one is unemployed include AAMI, iSelect and ANZ. This is known as Income Protection Insurance (IPI).
One service offered by Toyota's financial services offer is payment protection. Also offered are credit life insurance, credit disability insurance and excess wear and tear plans.
There are lot of UK firms that offer card payment processing services for small businesses. some of these UK firms are: FSB, Braintree, HSBC and Barclays.
I believe that all of the branches of the military offer some form of insurance. If they do not then many insurance firms will offer military discounts to servicemen and women.
Many financial firms such as moneysupermarket and poundstopocket offer overnight loans however they may contain high interest rates and you must always ensure you understand their terms and conditions.
They sell their shares to investors either directly or through other firms such as broker-dealers, financial planners, employees of insurance companies, and banks.
Loan insurance is offered to help protect your personal or business assets in case of financial trouble. Country Insurance and Dayton Financial are two companies that offer this protection.
Farmers Insurance Group is an American insurance company which offer home insurance, life insurance, automotive insurance and business insurance. They can also offer financial services such as loans.
Mondial Insurance offer a number of financial services to customers. One can get home insurance, health insurance, life insurance and auto insurance products.
It is a company that offer life insurance policies to the public. Genworth Financial also provides many different other financial services outside of insurance policies.
There are several financial institutions that offer life insurance assurance. Some examples are Bank of America, Citibank, SunTrust Bank and Merrill Lynch Bank.
Massmutual Financial offer the following products: Annuities, college savings plan, disability income insurance, individual retirement account, investments, life insurance.