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Yes. If a police report was filed or not more than likely the other parties insurance carrier notified the DMV and the accident was put on your record and the amount still owed to the insurance carrier is also listed there. If it was a one car accident and you were the only one that lost out it may or may not be on your record but since a report was filed it may still be listed.

Be honest with the agency that you are talking with about a quote and they probably will know more about whether or not it will show up. If you lie on the application and it comes out later the company could consider this material misrepresentation and deny a future claim. It's not worth the chance of wondering whether or not you have coverage if a major accident happens.

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Q: Can an insurance agency find out about an accident if no claim was reported and the accident happen during a time when the person didnt have car insurance a police report was made?
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disability insurance.....

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