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In Oklahoma all licensed drivers in the household must be listed as a driver or listed as an excluded driver for the policy to be valid. Anything else would result in a fraudilent policy and may get cancelled.

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Q: Can a teenager drive their parents car when their not on their parents policy?
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Related questions

Do teenagers need insurance to drive the parents car?

yes, the premium will be astrononic, and some insurance firms will not add children to the exsiting parents policy, they will only insure the teenager in their own right.

Will insurance company cover damage to parents car when unlicensed teenager crashes?

No. Unless you had the teenager on your policy, but at the same time you knew that the teenager was unlicensed! So, get the teenager licensed and put him on your ins. policy and then teach him how to driver safely and not crash.

Can a new driver without a car drive their parents' car under the parents' insurance?

Yes, but the parents have to add the new driver to their policy.

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Will insurance rates increase if 18 yr old daughter on parents' policy lets uninsured boyfriend drive her parents car and he has an accident?

yes, if your daughter had your permission to drive then gave her permission for boyfriend to drive, then he is an insured driver under the policy.....coverage/policy stays with the vehicle, meaning your policy will pay (assuming he was at fault)...and thus be affected by this accident........

My fiance is not listed as a driver on her parents insurance because she does not regularly drive their vehicle. Do I have to list her on my policy even though she can not drive my manual car?

If she does not drive your car, then there is no reason to list her. However, it would probably be wise to list her if you are going to teach her how to drive it.

Can a 18 year old get cheap car insurance if her parents do not drive?

The answer: No. Insurance is not cheap to any young driver. Not being on a parents policy can be more expensive as well.

Can you put your car on your parents' policy?

If it is not registered to them, it should not be on their policy.

Where can one purchase car insurance for teenagers?

If you are needing to purchase car insurance for a teenager, it is best to call your current insurance company and have the teenager added on to your current policy.

Do parents have to insure an 18-year-old who has his license even if they don't drive?

Yes and no. They have to include the 18-year old's information on the policy, but if the kid doesn't drive, they can EXCLUDE him from the policy. This will allow the parents to be covered if the kid takes the car without permission, because it will be considered theft.

Do you need insurance to drive parents car if they are in the car with you?

Sounds like you have a permit. If so your parents policy will cover you and you will need to added their policy when you get your drivers license. Some companies require for all people in the household 14 or older to be listed. Contact your company for more details. As long as you don't live in the household, and you can borrow their car, their insurance policy will follow the vehicle.

Can I drive my parent's car if they are in the car when I am not insured but they are?

Everyone in your household must be listed on your insurance policy if they have a license. For example, if you live with your parents, you may not be covered if you are not listed on their insurance policy. On the other hand, if you live separately you could use their car with their permission and be covered.