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Yes, The terms of our Homeowners Insurance Policy state that we must notify the insurance company if there is a change in residence of the home. Failure to comply with the terms of the insuring contract are grounds for cancellation or non-renewal of the policy.

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Q: Can a insurance company cancel your insurance because you do not live in your home?
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Can Allstate cancel your homeowners insurance because the foundation of your dwelling is not continuous?

Yes, If the condition of your home or any of it's pertinent structures does not meet the Insurance Company's underwriting guidelines they can deny or cancel a policy.

How do you Cancel Home Owners Insurance and get a refund on remaining insurance due to home sale?

When you call you insurance company to cancel, they may want the request in writing...this is helpful if you have an agent, because you can just pay them a visit. The refund from unearned premium should be sent to you within a week of cancellation

Can insurance company cancel your homeowners insurance for babysitting at your home?

If you are providing baby sitting or day care services without the proper licensing and insurance then yes, your home insurance provider could decide that you are a moral hazard or that the services you provide from home simply increase your risk beyond what the company is willing to accept. Generally, If you show your home insurer a copy of the commercial insurance policy that covers your day care operations, your company will not cancel your house insurance. Basically the baby sitting is a business, a parent could decide to file an injury claim or a suit, Your personal lines home insurance policy is not designed to provide that type of coverage.

What do you do when a home insurance adjuster lies to the insurance company by stating there is rotted wood and then they cancel you?

It may be a good idea to hire your own home inspector to do a good thorough inspection of your home inside and out. It's best to know exactly where you stand with the condition of your home. You may then wish to reapply for your home insurance policy either through the same or a different Insurance Company.

Is your homeowners insurance automatically cancelled at closing when you sell your house or do you have to contact your insurance company to cancel it?

By Law,, Your Coverage, ceases automatically when you sell your home. The Insurance company however will not know your home has been sold right away unless you notify them right away. Should they find at a later date that the sale ocurred they will cancel the policy or non-renew it.

When do you cancel your homeowners insurance?

Generally one would cancel a home insurance policy whenever one decides they no longer need it, such as sold the home or the home no longer exists, etc.

How do you stop your insurance company from cancelling your home owner's insurance?

Doubt that you can, insurance companies cannot simply cancel a policy for no reason, if you feel you have been unjustly concancelled contact your states dept of insurance and file a complaint.

Can you change home insurance after a claim?

If you have filed a home insurance claim through your existing home insurance company, you do have the right to change insurance companies if you were unhappy with the service you were provided, or for any other reason. As long as you have coverage in place at the time of the claim, you can cancel your policy and bind coverage with another company. It is important to receive quotes and bind your coverage before cancelling your policy because some companies will not accept homeowners with claims on their claims history report.

Does homeowners insurance cover an insect infestation if it was caused by a previous owner?

No, Homeowners insurance does not cover insect infestation nor preexisting damage to a home. Home insurance is for sudden accidental losses, not for home maintenance. This is a home maintenance issue and what an exterminator service is for. Part of any home maintenance plan should include an annual inspection by your chosen exterminator service company. Failure to maintain your home can be a reason for an insurance company to cancel or non-renew your home insurance policy.

Do you get a refund if you cancel homeowners insurance?

Yes, if you cancel your home insurance policy mid term you would be entitled to the unearned portion of your premium payments.

Sold your house forgot to cancel insurance?

Contact your insurance company and explain the situation. If you are able to prove when you sold the house the company should issue you a refund for the period after you sold the home. If you have an agent call him/her and they should be able to help you get the refund.

What insurance does Abbey Home Insurance provide?

The type of insurance that the company Abbey Home Insurance provides is called home insurance. The company provides automobile and motorcycle insurance as well.