Contact your insurance company and explain the situation. If you are able to prove when you sold the house the company should issue you a refund for the period after you sold the home. If you have an agent call him/her and they should be able to help you get the refund.
Generally one would cancel a home insurance policy whenever one decides they no longer need it, such as sold the home or the home no longer exists, etc.
By Law,, Your Coverage, ceases automatically when you sell your home. The Insurance company however will not know your home has been sold right away unless you notify them right away. Should they find at a later date that the sale ocurred they will cancel the policy or non-renew it.
If your home is/was mortgaged - the insurance MUST be in effect as protection to the mortgage holder. The insurance company is just making sure that you are not cancelling what is MANDATORY coverage to save yourself some money.
You may cancel a policy of any kind whenever you like and you will receive a refund on the unearned premium. If you don't own the property any longer, you certainly can cancel the policy. Make sure your agent cancels as of the day after you sold the property.
auto insurance is generally specific to a vehicle. You can retain your policy and any benefits which you can transfer to another vehicle and cancel the old policy or retain the policy until your old vehicle is sold. As always check with your insurance company after all they do want to retain you as a customer.
This is a mess in many jurisdictions. I have heard of people getting successfully sued like this The trick, if I understand it, is to cancel the plates and insurance before the car leaves your possession.
There are several types of insurance sold by Versicherung. They sell renters insurance, home insurance, health insurance and car insurance. They will help the consumer review their plans and help decide which is the right insurance for them.
Mike should have insurance on his house until the house is transferred to a new owner.
Green Flag insurance is sold in England. The business headquarters are located in Leeds, United Kingdom. The insurance is sold throughout the UK and over the internet and in some USA locations.
how can i find out to whom a house was sold
Yes, If you have not the insurance company and endorsed the policy to vacant as required and they discover the vacancy they can cancel immediately and void all coverage retroactively to the date it became vacant. It's in the contract. Same if you rent it out and don't notify them.
You cannot in any state. Their is no such thing as a cooling off period on the purchase of an automobile, unless someone came to your house uninvited and sold you a car. Otherwise, you bought it, so you own it, unless the dealer agreed to take it back and cancel the contract. Legally he does not have to.