

Best Answer
Parental ResponsibilityYes, since the 17 year old is a minor, Any litigation will typically name the Minor Child and the Vehicle Owneras well as the Parents or other Legal Guardians as defendants in the law suit.

The Minor Child is a party to the suit because as the At Fault driver, they are directly responsible for the accident.

The parents or legal guardians are liable due to parental responsibility laws.

The Vehicle owner is liable because they allowed an uninsured driver to operate the vehicle.

The financial liability is joint and several. This means that any one party and/or all parties can be held fully liable jointly or separately for the total costs of all injuries and damages incurred.

Good Luck

Uninsured At Fault AccidentsYou not only can but will be sued for an at fault accident. By choosing not to carry insurance you are choosing to accept 100% of the risk of you having an accident and for the entire risk of paying for damages for the accident. If you have no insurance at the time of the accident the other driver will have no choice but to make a claim on his uninsured motorist insurance coverage. After this the UM coverage will take care of their insured's repairs and or injuries. Next will come the swarm of lawyers that are employed by the insurance company which will begin with a demand letter asking you to immediately pay the entire amount of the loss including legal fees. If it is not paid immediately suit will be filed against you, anyone else who owns the car, and anyone else who resides with you or whom is responsible for you such as your parents. More than likely you will work out a payment plan where the money plus interest, legal fees, collections costs, and court costs will be added to balance owed. This amount will be divided into equal installments and deducted directly from your check as a garnishment. In some states you will not be able to get your permanent license until this balance is completely paid off.

Yes! The 17 year old either needs to be listed as a driver on the auto insurance policy or must have his/her own insurance. Auto insurance companies do provide insurance to young drivers who have a license even though they are classified as high risk drivers. Since the 17 year old is a minor, Any litigation will typically name the Minor Child and the Vehicle Owner as well as the Parents as defendants in the law suit.

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Q: Can a 17 year old who has a driver's license but no car insurance get sued for at fault auto accident?
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What happens when there is a car accident but the person not at fault has insurance but no drivers license?

your still in trouble since you dont have a License,if you have a mean judge,

If you have an expired license and get into an accident will your insurance pay the claim if your policy is paid?

If you have a current insurance policy and are in a car accident, but have an expired license, it is up to the insurance company if they will pay the claim or not. It could be in their clause not to, if a person does not have a valid drivers license, especially if you are the one at fault.

If you get into a car accident and it is not your fault will your insurance go up?

Not if it is deemed to be 100% the other drivers fault and they have insurance.

My car was totaled in a car accident and the guy at fault had no drivers license but the car had insurance Will my insurance go up due to the accident and should i sue the guy?

Your insurance may go up it may not, also sue for allot of money!!!

What happens if you have auto insurance but no drivers licnese and you get into an accident that is not your fault will the person at fault insurance still take care of the damages to your car?

You get a ticket and your insurance goes up. You can not drive without a license and if you cost the insurance company money they raise your premiums especially if you get a ticket

What happens if you have no auto insurance and no drivers license and you where in car accident but it was not your fault?

Sorry to say, Eva, but an uninsured car is not supposed to be on the public streets and a person with no license is not supposed to be driving a car. Since you contributed to the accident by violating these laws, you are at least partially at fault. The other driver's insurance company is going to deny any claim you submit.

What if you were in an auto accident and you are not at fault but you do not have auto insurance in California?

If the other driver is at fault and has insurance, their insurance should still pay the claim. However, you may still face significant legal penalties for driving without insurance. Your drivers license may be suspended and your car may be impounded, and the cost of insurance when you get it (which you have to, in order to get your drivers license or your car back) will be much higher than it would have been if you had purchased it before the accident. You should probably consult a qualified attorney for advice on how to minimize the cost.

What happens if in an accident not your fault but you do not have a license?

Fault in the accident will not be affected by the status of your drivers license. Therefore, the person who is at fault will be responsible for damages and his insurance will pay. You will, however be liable for the fine and ticket you will receive for driver without a license. The important point to remember is that if you had been at fault, you would be liable to pay for the repairs of the other persons car as well as for any medical expenses, loss of wages, and permanent injuries.

Do you pay a deductible if the accident was the other drivers fault and their insurance is paying for repairs?

Yes, you do.

What happens if you are in an accident that is not your fault but you have no insurance or license?

you got to jail for not having insurance or a vaild license and you are personally liable for all the damages you caused.

If someone with no drivers license nor insurance has an accident and is his fault what happens?

Well, it depends on where you live and what the laws are in that specific region. in canada, that perosn would probably go to jail.

What happens if you are in a car accident and you have insurance but the person who causes accident does not have insurance?

My plan was denied and it was not my fault it was the other drivers fault because police and show up to make a police report it is really his mind