

Browns gas in cars

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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The USA can replace foreign oil with hydrogen. Honda and Toyota are manufacturing hydrogen cars. Honda : 270 miles on a fill up and leasing for $600 a month in test California counties. GM and Ford are not far behind. There are 44 makes of hydrogen cars in process right now. There are 67 hydrogen fuel stations in the USA. When hydrogen burns it creates water. Any kind of power :solar , wind , thermal , hydro , coal , nuclear can create hydrogen from water. Stop polluting our skies and seas. Don't build additional refinery capacity. Don't sacrifice our shores , our national parks and our wildlife refugees. Don't let gas prices continue to threaten

our economy. Stop sending trillions of dollars to foreign countries. Take back our energy jobs. Bring home our young people who are dying to keep our paths open to foreign oil. Gasoline is $4.00/gallon. Hydrogen can be (equ) $2.00/gallon.

The Hydrogen on Demand System works by adding a small amount of a mixed hydrogen/oxygen gas, into the vehicle's fuel system. This enriched mixture of hydrogen, oxygen (oxyhydrogen) and gasoline is bonded together molecularly and magnetically. The combined fuel results in better fuel economy and an increase in miles per gallon. Usually this increase is in the range of 25%-50%!

Improved mileage is not the only benefit resulting from the use of the Langs' Gas Power Booster. Other benefits may include:

A noticeable increase in engine power. Less pressure is needed on the accelerator pedal, to get the vehicle up to speed.

The new fuel mixture burns cleaner, burns more completely and burns more efficiently. It cleans up carbon deposits in the engine and prevents future carbon build up.

Exhaust emissions harmful to the environment are greatly reduced.

The combustion chamber temperature drops slightly, contributing to better fuel combustion and a quicker flame spread ratio.

Adding Brown's Gas to the fuel/air mixture has the immediate effect of increasing the octane rating of any fuel."Octane Rating" means how much that fuel can be compressed before it ignites. Low grade gasoline (what's called "Regular" or 87 octane in California) ignites faster than higher octane fuels. It takes less compression to ignite. This fact causes the gasoline to ignite before TDC (Top Dead Center, the point where the piston is at the highest point of its motion), making it less efficient because the explosion of gas fumes pushes the piston down and out of sequence (it's too early so it goes a bit in reverse) and therefore the "pinging" noise and less power from Regular gasoline. Brown's gas or water vapor causes regular low-grade fuel to ignite more slowly, making it perform like a high octane gasoline! A higher octane rating means stronger horse power due to combustion occurring much closer to TDC, where it has a chance to turn into mechanical torque (rotary push) the right way and without pinging Each piston transfers more energy during its combustion cycle, so combustion becomes more efficient - as well as SMOOTH. More efficient combustion translates to less fuel being consumed.You see, this technology does not mean we're running on water, but introducing HHO simply and effectively creates the effect of using the same bad gasoline in a more economical way. It supplements and actually CORRECT the behavior of gasoline. Free energy does exist, but it has to be triggered by something. In this case, the interaction between water and gasoline is how it happens.So as I was saying, just look at, and see how it works, the plans and actual people and videos and pictures of the device in use.

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