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The two reasons that big cars are safer than small cars include that they have bigger crush zones. The second reason is that they have longer hoods.

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Q: Big cars are safer than small cars for two reasons?
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Are big cars safer than small cars?

Usually they are, because there is more material in between you and whatever hits you. also adding a roll cage to the car will help your car be more safer than usually.

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no they have no protection on them so a car would be much safer.

is a van safer than a car to drive?

That (van safer than a car) depends on the car and the van. Small cars are definitely NOT safer. Large cars are probably safer, vans are top heavy and so are less stable in cornering. Vans also have a large surface area which high crosswinds, air from passing large trucks (18 wheelers), can push the van into possible unstable conditions.

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slower, but safer

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Because cars are safer than motorcycles. Yet although motorbikes can occaisnally be cheaper people choose the safer option (most of the time!)

Why are cars safer than before?

Well i think it is because of the development and advancement in term of science and technology have lead to cars been safer than before. now we have air bag in most car and many other things are been fitted in cars.

What is safer driving a car or flying an airplane?

It is safer to ride in a plane, as there are less annual deaths per year than cars.

Why are cars so popular?

vehicles are required for transportation and cars are safer than bikes, scooters, cycles... cars are cheaper than trucks (which are also used for transportation... there are luxury cars, people love to travel in it... also cars are stronger.

What are safer boats or cars?

There are far more car accidents than boating or shipping accidents. Though, of course, there are far more cars and passengers than boats and crews. Even taking this into account and the mileage travelled by each, boats are much safer.

Are cars safer than buses and public transportation?

No. Per passenger kilometre, buses and coaches in the UK are around seven times safer than cars according to the Department for Transport. One of the major reasons they are so safe is that they very rarely hit objects stronger than they are, and very rarely roll over. The injury rate for coach passengers is ten times greater if the passenger is not wearing a seatbelt, much as it would be for car passengers.