Is it a boom? If so, then the car is getting too much gas when you start it. Check the fuel injector(s) and the carburator.
If this noise is like a loud ticking at a fast pace, it would be your starter going bad. If the noise is a loud boom/pop sound from the rear of the car, it would possibly be that the exhaust is backfiring..... not sure how to fix that aspect to fix the issue.
experts said to much gas at starting...they all were had a old battery..put in a new one and problem fixed
According to Dr. Eric Dibble, the popping sound you hear isn't actually coming from the water lilies. The sound is produced by fish, often sunfish, feeding off the lilies. The suction action of their mouths cause popping noise.
I would not worry to much about this noise when the motor is cold; engines have clearanaces that come together at operating temperature. If this noise happens when the motor is at operating temperature then you might have a problem.
the most likely cause would be an improperly tensioned serpentine belt
If the 1999 Suburban noise is a sort of loud banging noise, the problem could be that the engine have jumped time. Jumping time would cause the noise and jerking in the engine.
Friction in the transmission system may cause whining noise when a car is accelerating. A poor engine or clutch assembly may cause the excess friction in the transmission system.
A bad axle will cause that sound
A leaking manifold seal on the intake will cause a popping noise on the 1996 Honda Accord. This can heard most clearly on days when the weather is cold because the seals tend to shrink.
could be the CV jopints of the car
It can be a defective CVC-joint or other things. Have it inspected by a qualified mechanic and they will find the cause of the popping noise.
A front popping on the left of a 98 Blazer could be the brakes, steering, or wheel bearing. Check all three to find the cause.
One cause of a popping noise from the front end while backing up in cold weather is the drive shaft. A mechanic can help find the problem.
Possible causes of popping/grinding noises when turning:Wheel bearingsCV joint / axleBrakesSee "Related Questions" below for more
Replace the speakers. Adjust the Fade/Balance and listen to find which speaker is popping. The popping noise is most likely from a broken cone in the speaker
If it pops when turning it is most likely the CV joints.
The gas making the popping noise is hydrogen.
If by "popping noise" you mean backfire, it could be crossed ignition wires, or some sort of misfire.
By sticking cellophane tape to a balloon before popping it, the tape helps prevent the balloon from bursting loudly and creating a sudden noise. The tape absorbs some of the energy from the popping balloon, reducing the noise and making it a bit quieter.