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According to Dr. Eric Dibble, the popping sound you hear isn't actually coming from the water lilies. The sound is produced by fish, often sunfish, feeding off the lilies. The suction action of their mouths cause popping noise.

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Q: Do water lilies sometimes make popping sounds?
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Water Lilies Food was created in 1995.

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Beavers don't "hunt". They eat water lilies, tree bark, and sometimes berries.

What animals eat water lilies?

Turtles and koi will eat water lilies. Dogs and raccoons will break the pots that water lilies grow in and cause damage. Aphids and snails also cause damage to water lilies.

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It is spelled "water lilies" in plural form.

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What do lilies eat?

Lilies eat soil, water, nature and algae.

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The sound is from the pipes expanding as the water goes down. They will expand and condense to accommodate incoming and outgoing water.

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The Water Lilies pictures have always been great favorites.

Do water lilies have strong stems?

The water lilies have thick, fleshy creeping underwater stems that are buried in the mud.

What are the release dates for Water Lilies - 1911?

Water Lilies - 1911 was released on: USA: 13 January 1911