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Tertiary prevention is doing something to keep a problem from getting worse. An example may be: My first day in Jamaica I stayed in the sun only 20 minutes as tertiary prevention of a bad sunburn. Or: The doctor gives you Tetanus shots as when you puncture your skin from a rusty nail as tertiary prevention against infection. Tertiary means a third level or an exacerbated level.

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Q: What is an example of tertiary prevention?
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What does a tertiary care hospital mean?

Tertiary in general means third. In a medical context, it could be found in a few uses. The tertiary phase of a disease is the third phase; for example, neurosyphilis is hte tertiary phase of that disease. Tertiary care is highly specialized hospital care. For instance, a burn center or trauma center might be a tertiary care center - a place to which other hospitals transfer patients for more specialized care. Tertiary prevention is concerned with helping people who are already ill to improve their quality of life and minimize disability.

Example of tertiary?

Usually a scientific term for the third. (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary)

What does tertiary mean and give a exasamlee?

Tertiary means third in importance. Example: The color of a food is of tertiary importance, after nutrition and taste.

What do primary secondary and tertiary mean?

Primary refers to the first level or basic stage, secondary refers to the second level or intermediate stage, and tertiary refers to the third level or advanced stage in a process or classification system. This terminology is often used to describe different sectors of the economy, education levels, or healthcare services.

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What is an example of the tertiary sector?

The tertiary sector is that part of a country's economy that is related to providing services rather than goods. An example would be the banking industry.

What are the levels of prevention usually used in the community?

The levels of prevention used in the community are primary prevention (before the onset of a health issue), secondary prevention (early detection and intervention), and tertiary prevention (managing existing conditions to prevent complications). These levels help address health issues at different stages to promote overall well-being.