Everything from 65 to 95 BPM will be considered OK. Ideal heart resting heart rate for 56 years old would be 65-70 BPM.
he may have had a heart size larger than normal and also maybe he would have been a very healthy and a fit man
The normal heart rate for adult men and women both is between 60-100 beats per minute. However, this rate can vary for athletes, and be normal at a much lower rate. It is also normal for the heart rate to be above 100 during exercise or excitement.The normal heart rate for women is 60-100 beats per minute. There are many factors that influence a heart rate. They include: Activity level Fitness level Air temperature Body position (standing up or lying down, for example) Emotions Body size Medications
I do not know about the "working out " part of the question and I never studied medicine, but as far as I know heart beat rates varies from one person to another anywhere from 65 to 85 beats per minute.
about 89
If he/she is physically active, yes, the resting pulse can be 50 or even a little less.
he may have had a heart size larger than normal and also maybe he would have been a very healthy and a fit man
The pulse rate should be 60/minute.
70-100 beats per minute is normal resting heart rate. Lower is okay with athletes or sometimes with heart medication.
72 times
why? why do you want to know his?
as the age increases heart rate reduces .for an 80 yrs old man heart rate between 70 to 80 is ok
It is Perfectly normal for a dog to breath Funny. My dog has it. You need to think more, our heart beat is a bit slower. And when its sleeping you should notice sometimes Its Leggs are Moving randomly its Probably dreaming of running :D That said if his running his heart beat might increase a little bit. Its perfectly find man dont worry about it i have one :D
The normal heart rate for adult men and women both is between 60-100 beats per minute. However, this rate can vary for athletes, and be normal at a much lower rate. It is also normal for the heart rate to be above 100 during exercise or excitement.The normal heart rate for women is 60-100 beats per minute. There are many factors that influence a heart rate. They include: Activity level Fitness level Air temperature Body position (standing up or lying down, for example) Emotions Body size Medications
after you beat the gym
Where you beat Brock. An old man is standing in a garden.