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To me, wolfs are animals that mate for life. Therefore, a permanent mark such as a tattoo of a wolfs paw can be representative of commitment with a partner that is a relationship for life. More permanent than a wedding band, yet a private symbol between the individuals at the same time. Both have wolf related marks, just happening to be paw prints for simplicity of design and size. Besides, most guys would never be tattoed with anything related to swans, etc. So if you think about it you can see the selection of monogamous animals for this style ceremonial tattoo art is very limited.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

It symbolizes what you want it to symbolize. It can mean anything from native american teachings to something completely different. Its up to you.

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Q: What does a wolf paw print tattoo symbolize?
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Yes, he has a tattoo of a paw-print. A paw print, a plus sign, a star and a jigsaw piece.

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What does a paw print tattoo symbolize?

A paw print tattoo can symbolize love and connection with animals, loyalty, strength, and protection. It may also represent a special bond with a specific pet or a reminder of a beloved animal companion that has passed away.