The color of a horse in no way affects it's weight. Quarter horses as a breed can weigh from around 1000 pounds up to 1500 pounds on average according to their build.
Well, that would depend on how tall it is, and how much he/ she is being fed. honestly the average for a quarter horse, at the average height (15.2 hands) is 1,250 lbs. Hope this helped
Anywhere between 800 and 1000. Maybe even higher. :)
The American Quarter Horse, or Quarter Horse, is an American breed of horse that excels at sprinting short distances. Its name is derived from its ability to outrun other horse breeds in races of a quarter mile or less; some have been clocked at speeds up to 55 mph!
Around 454.5kgs - 5909.1kgs (1,000 - 1,300 pounds)
Yes and no. The Paint horse was started as a breed due to Quarter horse breeders tossing out or killing perfectly good horses just because they had 'too much' white on them, which associated the horses with Native American tribes. To prove the horses were valuable the registry was started and any Quarter horse with too much white was allowed to be registered. they also then accepted Thoroughbreds into the registry after a period of time. Nowadays there are distinct bloodlines within the Paint and many of them are actually still purebred Quarter horses. The term paint refers to a horse with a broken coat color (there is a minimum amount of white over pink skin to be classified) that is also within strict bloodline requirements. To be registered with the APHA the parents must be registered with APHA, AQHA or the Jockey Club (meaning a thoroughbred). At least one parent must be APHA registered. Therefore, many paints are of strong quarter horse lineage, some horses are cross registered between the quarter horse and paint horse registries. When a horse is not within these breed requirements, yet still retains the colorful coat pattern they are simply called a pinto. Pinto refers to the coat color whereas paint is a breed.
This depends on how much a horse is worth and how much the owner is willing to sell it for.
As a child I actually saw this horse. Along with the Buckskin and black and white Pinto ridden by Lorne Green and Michael Landon. As much as my research has been able to turn up the black horse was Quarter Horse or a Quarter cross. But this question deserves more research.
they eat pretty much the same as any other horse......grain ,hay, grass, and clean water. every horse's diet is different depending on their weight, ow much they excersize, and their age
A quarter horse weighs 1200lbs - 1600lbs depending on size and activity.
No Secretariat was a Thoroughbred. A much older breed that help to develop the quarter horse.
As much as a normal lightweight horse, probably in between an Arabian and a Quarter Horse.
Well, basically, dun has a dorsal stripe and a darker muzzle but they are pretty much the same.
A palomino is not a breed of horse it is the colorartion of it. A palomino has a golden body and a white mane and tail. The weight of a palomino horse can vary. I personally own a palomino quarter horse mare and she weighs in at about 1300 pounds.
The general rule is 1.5 to 2 percent of the horse's body weight in hay per day and any necessary concentrate required to maintain their condition for the amount of exercise they are doing.
Some of the larger Quarter Horses can weigh 1200 lbs. and up.
7 round bales