Anywhere between 800 and 1000. Maybe even higher. :)
There can be quite a variation in weight of two year old Quarter horses. The range is probabably for 700 to 1000 pounds depending upon how big they are. Some mature quarter horses can weigh as much as 1400 pounds and some will only weigh 800 pounds agin depending upon how big they are.
Around 454.5kgs - 5909.1kgs (1,000 - 1,300 pounds)
Well, that would depend on how tall it is, and how much he/ she is being fed. honestly the average for a quarter horse, at the average height (15.2 hands) is 1,250 lbs. Hope this helped
The color of a horse in no way affects it's weight. Quarter horses as a breed can weigh from around 1000 pounds up to 1500 pounds on average according to their build.
It depends on its fitness, size, etc. but it should be around 1100 lbs / 500 kg
The American Quarter Horse, or Quarter Horse, is an American breed of horse that excels at sprinting short distances. Its name is derived from its ability to outrun other horse breeds in races of a quarter mile or less; some have been clocked at speeds up to 55 mph!
850 to 900 LBS
Some of the larger Quarter Horses can weigh 1200 lbs. and up.
Around 454.5kgs - 5909.1kgs (1,000 - 1,300 pounds)
As much as a normal lightweight horse, probably in between an Arabian and a Quarter Horse.
Well, that would depend on how tall it is, and how much he/ she is being fed. honestly the average for a quarter horse, at the average height (15.2 hands) is 1,250 lbs. Hope this helped
You should feed your horse 12 to 15 pounds.
There can be quite a variation in weight of two year old Quarter horses. The range is probabably for 700 to 1000 pounds depending upon how big they are. Some mature quarter horses can weigh as much as 1400 pounds and some will only weigh 800 pounds agin depending upon how big they are.
The color of a horse in no way affects it's weight. Quarter horses as a breed can weigh from around 1000 pounds up to 1500 pounds on average according to their build.
It depends on its fitness, size, etc. but it should be around 1100 lbs / 500 kg
you should probably be feeding your horse grain instead of liquids
im 12 and 5/2 and a quarter. i weigh 115
This wholly depends on how the horse is built. A more narrowly built horse will weigh less than a more bulky wider build horse of the same height. Typically a 14 hand horse will weigh from 800 to 1,000 pounds.