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There is no relationship between Gout and fibroids.

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Q: How gout is related to fibroid?
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Related questions

What is a fibroid?

A fibroid on the top of your uterus

Pomegranate Is it good for gout?

Could not find a great deal on pomegranate and gout. however there may be something of interest to you in the related link (Gout Pal Interactive ) below

What is a good Gout treatment?

The treatment of gout may involve a combination of both drugs and dietary changes. For more information on the treatment of gout go to the related link (How To Treat Gout With Diet and Medication) below.

Is flaxseed bread bad for gout?

Go to the related link below regarding the benefits of flax seed in the case of gout.

What tablets do you use for gout?

There is quite a range of medications and instructions and warnings concerning this Therefore it would be best to follow the Related link below (Gout Medications - Gout Medicines - Gout Drug Information) for a more concice answer.

What is a fundal fibroid?

A fibroid on the top of your uterus

How do you correctly spell 'systic fibroid'?

cystic fibroid

What is the Malayalam word of gout?

Vatham. There 200 types of vatham related deseases in Ayurveda and this type (gout) is caused by high uric acid in blood.

Which president had gout?

The related link states that Martin Van Buren, James Buchanan and Grover Cleveland suffered from gout. Although Benjamin Franklin was not a president, he is often confused with the early presidents and his gout is legendary.

How big is a 9.4cm in length 5.4cm in width uterine fibroid?

The size of a uterine fibroid is typically described in terms of its largest dimension. So a fibroid that is 9.4cm in length and 5.4cm in width would likely be referred to as a 9.4cm fibroid, as length is typically the predominant factor in determining size.

Can fibroid erupt?


Is yogurt good for gout patients?

I don't know if there is any hard evidence for this but many people feel it is a good thing to eat for gout sufferers. See The related link below.