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Q: Can fibroid erupt
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What is a fibroid?

A fibroid on the top of your uterus

What is a fundal fibroid?

A fibroid on the top of your uterus

How do you correctly spell 'systic fibroid'?

cystic fibroid

How big is a 9.4cm in length 5.4cm in width uterine fibroid?

The size of a uterine fibroid is typically described in terms of its largest dimension. So a fibroid that is 9.4cm in length and 5.4cm in width would likely be referred to as a 9.4cm fibroid, as length is typically the predominant factor in determining size.

What does having fibroid tumors mean?

Having fibroid tumors means one will often involve heavy menstrual periods and prolonged bleeding. One should immediately see a doctor if they have fibroid tumor.

Can a tampon be mistaken for a calcified fibroid?

No, a tampon can't be mistaken for a calcified fibroid. A tampon would be in the vagina - it can't make its way to the uterus. It doesn't have the same texture/appearance on ultrasound as a calcified fibroid, either.

Is fibroid carcinoma cancerous?


Do fibroid make you lose weight?


How would you know the difference between abdominal pain and a fibroid pain?

It depends on the size of fibroid you have. Usually the cramping between abdominal and fibroid is the same only with fibroid the pain is continuous for a longer period: it could start as a bit of cramps to very painful then subsides. Fibroid cramping is on a zigzag pattern and almost does not go away for the better part of the day or night then regardless of taking pain killers. For some it goes on for a few days then goes away on its on.

What is uterine fibroid embolization?

Uterine fibroid embolization is non-surgical removal of the growths through the use of a tubular device called a catheter.

Can fibroid tumors cause a positive pregnancy test?

i would like to know the same thing. I had a scan recently and was told I had a fibroid BUT I also have a positive hpt? Would the fibroid cause the hpt to turn positive?

Can a women with a fibroid in the uterus get pregnant?
