Yes. A person who is technically dead as the heart has stopped can be returned to life by use of a defibrillator in some situations.
He blew it up hopping to release the god Osiris ( the Egyptian god of the dead) of hopping to bring back carter and Sadie's mother.
A scale, versus a feather.
This is because being dead is defined as stoppage in the functioning of brain and it is not having any relation with the functioning of heart. If the heart stops beating then there is no supply of oxygen rich blood to the brain and hence the brain dies and henceforth the person is declared dead.
Bring #1 piston to its uppermost point and observe position of distributor--it should be firing on no. 1
Once a person is dead, they are beyond the help of human prayers, and it's up to God to decide their fate; heaven or hell. When a person is alive, humans prayers on their behalf might help them, but, once they are dead, Luther felt they were beyond the help of human prayers and it was entirely up to God to decide their ultimate fate.
no, people can't bring back a dead person.
If its fresh
I don't think so which sims game is this on ?
You can bring bring them back to life butnot always. When the grimreaper come click on him plead for your love. Then y'all will play rock paper scissors. if you when that person will be saved but if you lose that person is dead. So that's a 50/100 Chance
No. Dead is dead.
Element 115 can't bring the dead back to life.
A person only has 1 life. With modern technology right now it is impossible to bring someone back from the dead.
You can't bring people back to life if they are already dead.
A person only has 1 life. With modern technology right now it is impossible to bring someone back from the dead.
To my knowledge, the only spell to bring the dead back to life is fictional. Although there are Voudon spells and formulas to create zombies, the subjects aren't really dead. Otherwise, there really aren't such spells.
no, she's dead my love