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Aura sphere isn't a TM in Pokemon platinum.

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Q: Where can you find the TM aura sphere in Pokemon Platinum?
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sphere pillar.

Where to find the move aura sphere in heart gold?

Aura Sphere is not available by TM or Move Tutor.

Where is a prism sphere in Pokemon Platinum?

A Prism Sphere can be found in the Underground tunnels in Pokemon Platinum. It is simply dug up in the walls of the tunnels using the explorer kit obtained in Eterna City. The sphere is clear and shaped like a prism, and it is harder to find than the red, blue and green spheres. It is thought to be symbolic of the Pokemon Diamond version since it resembles the structure on Dialga's neck.

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There is not a route 233 on Pokemon platinum.

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You cannot find zekrom in pokemon platinum

What are all the Pokemon in Pokemon Platinum and were can you find them?

you find them in the cave

Where can you find a barmy in Pokemon Platinum?

there is no such Pokemon