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Q: What are the difference of physical and mental characteristics in different types of cats?
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These characteristics-Physical emotional mental and social-combine to make you the unique person you are?

These characteristics-Physical, emotional, mental, and social-combine to make you the unique person you are.

What are phycial characteristics of PTSD?

There are no physical characteristics. PTSD is a mental health disorder.

Is difference in age mental or physical barrier?


What is the difference between a physical and mental verb?

The mental verb the the verb that you do it in your mind

Which factors can affect mental health?

physical well-beingchemical imbalance physical characteristics of the brain drugs

What were the characteristics of the nazi party?

Blonde hair, Blue eyes, and no physical or mental disabilities.

Define the different aspect of personality?

personality is a visible aspect of an individual's characters. The different aspects of personality are the emotions , moods, feelings, thoughts, mental, physical and social characteristics that makes a person different from another.

Who was a better leader saladin or Richard the lionheart and why?

first of all, the spelling, pronounciation, characteristics ( mental, physical ) AND THE MOST BIG DIFFERENCE IS... Richard I is gay while Saladin isn't -AlexisSan

Classification of gender?

Gender is the characteristics which help differentiate between masculinity and femininity. These can be either mental or physical characteristics.

What is the way in which an author describes a character?

An author describes a character through physical appearance, personality traits, actions, thoughts, and dialogue. This depth of description allows readers to form a mental image of the character and understand their role in the story.

What is the difference between physical fatigue and phychological fatigue?

the difference between physical fatigue and psychological fatigue is that, physical fatigue is, extreme tiredness of the whole body, and psychological fatigue is, extreme tiredness caused by your mental state.

Can we say mental and physical health or physical and mental health?

You can say "mental and physical health". You can also say "physical and mental health". So both are completely acceptable.