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You do not have to pay the deductible if the other person's insurance is paying the claim. If you put the claim through your insurance, and do not have uninsured, underinsured motorist protection then you will have to pay the deductible regardless of who's At Fault.

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Q: If you are not at fault and the police report and witnesses prove this do you still pay your deductible?
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If a police report says its your fault for a car accident and you know its not.?

You should find evidence or witnesses from the accident to give proof (testify) that the accident was not your fault. You could also go to court...

How do you appeal a police accident report that said you were at fault even though you were DEFINITELY not?

Your insurance company is going to review the police report, your statements, and the statements of witnesses and the other party. After they review that they will make a determination of fault and decide to accept liability or not on your behalf. If you think that you were not at fault in the accident make sure that you file a claim against the other persons insurance.

Can an insurance company decide who is at fault when a police report has been filed?

An insurance company can assign fault regardless if a police report is filed or not. A police report is simply a report made by a neutral party at an accident scene. I believe there have been cases where insurance companies have assigned fault to one party when the opposing party was initially named at fault in a report.

Who is at fault without a police report?

A police report does not define who is at fault. That requires some investigation by either the insurance company or the police themselves; however, unless you make a claim or a report, neither will investigate and the accident will not officially have happened.

What should you do if you are not at fault but somehow the police accident report said that you were?

not final, you can contest the police�s report by hiring independent investigators. But, if the police say you were at fault you probably were according to the traffice rules and regulations.

On the police report is it the first vehicle listed the one that is at fault?

Believe it or not, police do not determine who is at fault the insurance companies involved do. They use information given to them from the police department, such as violations or speed information, but the police can not determine fault or liability. Order of listing vehicles on the report has no determination of anything

If you had an accident and it wasnt your fault does it go in your driving record?

If the police came out and made a report of it then it will be on your driving record. It will be a not-at-fault accident but it will still be on your driving record. If the police did not come out but your insurance knows about it then it will be on your CLUE report and be a not-at-fault accident.

Who determines a fault in a parking lot case if the police did not assign the fault?

Police don't always determine the fault especially the private property incidents. What the police report usually does is tell the facts of what happened and what any witnesses say they saw as well so in situations where no tickets are issued or cause of fault is listed the insurance companies will get together and determine the fault. Sometimes when two cars back into each other there may just be levels of fault whereby each party may be partly at fault which never benefits anybody.

If you live in Louisiana on the police accident report is driver 1 or driver 2 typically at fault?

The police arbitrarily chooses which car is considered Driver one and Driver two. You have to read the report to determine who is at fault.

Who determines fault in auto accident?

Insurance companies determine fault by looking at police reports, taking statements from the parties involved and witnesses, and looking at the vehicles.

Can you report an accident two weeks later and if you do how do you determine who is at fault?

If you choose not to have the car examined by police at the TIME of incident, it makes it VERY difficult to determine who is at fault, and you may risk paying deductibles. It is VERY important to ALWAYS call police after an accident - no matter how small the damage seems. This way ALL facts relating to the incident are reported, third party is interviewed (possibly charged) and any witnesses can give statement. Did you have any eye-witnesses? Surveillance?

Are we liable for the auto deductible when we were hit from behind and the other driver left the scene of the accident. We have the police report stating this to be true.?

It depends on the state you live in but as far as I know if you are involved in a hit and run and you are NOT AT FAULT, the insurance will more than likely waive the deductible. Make sure you have a "COLLISION DEDUCTIBLE WAIVER" clause somewhere listed on your policy, usually it's included with full coverage policies.