

Best Answer

Yes, this is because as you stated, the insured driver was at fault. The At Fault driver is responsible regardless of the insured status of the person they hit. A good rule of thunb is this,, If they had insurance would I be responsible If the answer is Yes, then the answer is still Yes

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Q: If an insured motorist is at fault and hits an unisured motorist will the insured motorists insurance company pay the expenses of the uninsured person?
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Related questions

What is an uninsured motorist endorsement?

An uninsured motorist endorsement is an added insurance policy for motorists. It covers injuries that have resulted from a collision by an uninsured driver.

In a collision an uninsured motorist was at fault who pays for the damage insurance or uninsured motorist?

The insurance will pay for your damage if you have insurance from underinsured motorists. Otherwise, the motorist will pay for it who doesn't have insurance if they have any money.

Will auto insurance pay on an uninsurred motorist?

If you have an uninsured motorists coverage, then it should.

What exactly does Florida uninsured motorist insurance cover?

Underinsured and uninsured motorist coverage protects drivers when the in Florida as the state does not require motorists to carry bodily injury coverage.

Do they sell insurance for uninsured motorists in Illinois?

Yes, you can get insurance if you are an uninsured motorist in Illinois. You can look into local agencies or go online and check with nationwide companies.

Will sr22 insurance pay for damages done by a uninsured motorist?

It's just auto Insurance. If you purchased coverage for uninsured motorists coverage option then yes you will be covered.

If a uninsured motorist hits your car will sr22 cover your damages?

If you purchased uninsured motorists coverage with your policy you will be covered. The SR22 is not insurance, it's certificate of proof that you have insurance.

Will your insurance pay if the accident is your fault and you only have uninsured motorist insurance?

If all you have is uninsured motorists then no it will not pay. you need liability insurance to pay for damaged caused to another. Liability is what your supposed to have.

how much is uninsured motorist insurance in Texas?

On average, in the state of Texas, and uninsured motorists insurance rate is up to 1000 to two thousand dollars a month, depending on age and gender.

What is uninsured insurance?

In auto insurance, 'uninsured insurance' refers to a type of coverage for accidents caused by a motorist without insurance or hit-and-run accidents in which the driver who caused the wreck cannot be identified. In other words, your insurance may cover the cost of damage to your car, medical expenses, and other expenses.

If you are an insured motorist and get hit by an uninsured motorist should you use your job's personal medical insurance or your auto insurance or both?

More than likely, you will begin by using your personal medical insurance. Medical expenses and lost wages can possibly be reimbursed through the uninsured motorists coverage.Uninsured/Underinsured coverage laws vary by state. Contact your insurance agent for a full explanation of how this coverage would work on your policy.

what company's in Georgia have great quotes on insurance for uninsured motorist's?

The best insurance agency is a matter of opinion. That aside, I think State Farm is the best insurance agency to use in Georgia. They offer great rates on uninsured motorists.