If you purchased uninsured motorists coverage with your policy you will be covered. The SR22 is not insurance, it's certificate of proof that you have insurance.
Uninsured MotoristUninsured motorist is pretty much insurance where if someone hits you and they lack auto insurance, your insurer will still pay damages for your car.
The insured drivers uninsured motorist coverage should take care of it. Doesn't matter if property is private or not.
That's what Uninsured and Underinsured motorist coverage is for. You have that on your insurance policy. I have been in this situation. The first thing you do is talk to your insurance company. Tell them about the accident and how it is their fault. It is better if you provide proof like police report or written statements, but if not, it depends on how your insurance company rules it. From there, your insurance company should tell you what your options are. Most likely, they would go after the uninsured motorist and make them pay. You don't even need to deal with the uninsured motorist.
Only if the truck driver was at fault.
If the driver with the suspended license caused the accident then he/she is responsible.
regardless of whom is insured or not, the 'negligent' or liable party is responsible for the damage or 'to make whole' the injured (this means damage to vehicle as well) party........ i think the insured should pay since it was there fault
First, be sure that you have property damage coverage under your uninsured motorist as well as bodily injury. Then, be sure that you have filed a police report. If you have both of these things, there is a good chance you have coverage, but the final determination is up to the company.
My insurance canceled uninsured person hits someone in rear what happens to me
In this case you would use your Uninsured Motorist coverage if you have this coverage. Your UM coverage will pay for damage to your vehicle less your deductible. If later the person is found and their insurance or they personally pay for the damages then your insurance company will get reimbursed and you will also get back your deductible that you paid in you UM coverage.
You can sue them in small claims court for your deserved money as long as you have proof of the damage. If you have Uninsured Motorist coverage, it will pay for the damage, minus any deductible.
If you are hit by an Uninsured Driver you should take the following actions- Contact the police, get information from and on any witnesses that saw the accident and get photographs of the vehicles and the accident scene. Another important step to take beforehand of the accident is to make sure you have Uninsured Motorist Insurance on your Car Policy.
The motorist is personally liable for all the damage.Driving in an uninsured car has serious and expensive consequences.You will receive a traffic violation. Your license can be suspended.The police can tow and impound the vehicle. The vehicle can't be released until proof of insurance is procured. The impound fees add up quickly and the tow company can send your car to auction if the fees are not paid within the statutory time period for your state.