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More than likely, you will begin by using your personal medical insurance. Medical expenses and lost wages can possibly be reimbursed through the uninsured motorists coverage.

Uninsured/Underinsured coverage laws vary by state. Contact your insurance agent for a full explanation of how this coverage would work on your policy.

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Q: If you are an insured motorist and get hit by an uninsured motorist should you use your job's personal medical insurance or your auto insurance or both?
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How much will your insurance rate go up after an accident with an uninsured motorist?

Usually an uninsured motorist accident is not chargeable against insured in any way. Your rates should not be effected at all with most insurance companies.

If an insured truck driver from another state hits an uninsured motorist will the insured truck driver's insurance pay the expenses of the uninsured person?

Only if the truck driver was at fault.

If you are uninsured can you still sue the insurance of the insured that was at fault?

No according to the law (which may be different from state to state) The uninsured motorist is always at fault

What if the other driver has some insurance but not enough to cover my losses?

In most states you can purchase under-insured motorist or uninsured motorist coverage that will kick in when the other parties insurance is depleted.

If an insured motorist is at fault and hits an unisured motorist will the insured motorists insurance company pay the expenses of the uninsured person?

Yes, this is because as you stated, the insured driver was at fault. The at fault driver is responsible regardless of the insured status of the person they hit. A good rule of thunb is this,, If they had insurance would I be responsible If the answer is Yes, then the answer is still Yes

I am not insured and I have had a acciedent?

If the accident was your fault and someone else was involved their uninsured motorist insurance will pay for their damage. The bad news is that they WILL sue for the amount they had to pay out.

Am I considered an uninsured motorist If I am driving my son's car which is fully insured and driving with permission but I do not have insurance and at fault in an accident?

No. The car is insured and your son's policy will provide coverage up to its policy limits.

Does progressive insurance cover if an uninsured driver gets in an accident in an insured car?

Yes they should. Did you carry uninsured motorist? The only issue is if your car had a driver that did not have a license or was living in your home and you did not tell them about this person.

What does stacked uninsured motorist coverage mean and will it get your car fixed by insurance?

"Stacked" refers to uninsured motorist coverage, not to liability or physical damage coverage. In essence, if there are two cars in a household, both with insured motorist coverage, the uninsured motorist limits of the cars can be "stacked"--added together. Naturally, this will only make a difference if the severity of the injury and the clarity of the liability is such as to warrant that size of a payment to the insured. Keep in mind that the assessment of damages by an insurer in an uninsured motorist claim is similar to that done by a liability insurer in a third-party claim. Note also that some states have "anti-stacking" statutes which prohibit the stacking of ininsured motorist limits.

Insured motorist hit uninsured unlicensed driver - who's responsible?

The insured motorist is typically responsible for the damage caused in a car accident, regardless of the other driver's insurance or licensing status. The insured motorist's insurance policy may cover the cost of damages depending on the specific coverage. It is important to report the accident to the insurance company and let them handle the details.

What do you do when an Uninsured driver hits an insured driver on private property?

The insured drivers uninsured motorist coverage should take care of it. Doesn't matter if property is private or not.

If an insured motorist hits an uninsured vehicle and the insured motorist claims it is their fault who will pay for the uninsured vehicle?

regardless of whom is insured or not, the 'negligent' or liable party is responsible for the damage or 'to make whole' the injured (this means damage to vehicle as well) party........ i think the insured should pay since it was there fault