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In a Non Permissive use accident, The insurer does not cover damage or injury to another party, However damage to the vehicle being driven will likely be covered the same as if the vehicle was stolen and damaged.

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Q: If a mother owned a car with full coverage insurance and her 22 year old son with a license took it without permission and had an accident would it be covered?
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If someone is driving your car and you do not have them on your insurance and they get into accident are you covered?

Although it depends on your insurance, the driver is covered if driving with your permission.

If you got auto insurance coverage and were in an accident the same day what is the coverage for a claim?

Insurance is VERY specific when it comes to when coverage starts. If you had the accident BEFORE you got insurance any damage sustained before you purchased the policy damage would not be covered. If you had an accident after the purchase of the policy then any damages would be covered.

Are you covered by your insurance if you are driving in a cast and are involved in a car accident?

It depends on your coverage & the state, but normally if you have full coverage your insurer will cover any accident you are in.

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Only if the car you are riding in has insurance coverage.

Will full coverage car insurance cover electrical?

Physical Damage coverage on an auto policy covers all parts of the car that are damaged in a covered loss or covered accident. Maintenance issues are not covered on auto insurance.

What type of accidents are covered by accident-only insurance coverage?

Any accident is covered, but keep in mind you're only covered for the amount of coverage you bought, and that if you are at fault, your rates will go up (and sometimes even if you're not at fault).

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Generally, your coverage expires at midnight on the last day of your policy. Until then, you are covered. There may be some time limit during which you must report an accident, but if it happened while you were covered, the insurance company should take care if it.

If you have an accident with your husband's vehicle which has only PLPD insurance can he make a claim against the full coverage on your vehicle?

No. If you had an accident with your husbands car and you were at fault with only PLPD insurance, the damages to your vehicle would not be covered.

If you have full coverage auto insurance will it cover the car if you let your girlfriend drive your car to work?

Anyone you give permission to drive your car,is covered under your insurance.

If someone has full coverage on their vehicle is anyone who drives it covered under his insurance?

Full coverage or not the answer is usually yes unless that person is specifically exclued by name from that policy. The person has to have permission or implied permission to be using the vehicle from the owner.

Had an accident on the same day you got insurance are you covered?

It is not a secret. You need to look at your policy for the effective date and time of the commencement of coverage.

If an uninsured driver with permission from an insured car's owner gets into an accident will insurance cover the other vehicle's damage in Texas?

InsuranceSo long as That driver was not excluded from coverage, then Yes, that driver would be covered under a standard Texas Auto Policy.