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58.1g [Ca(PO4)] X

1 mol [Ca(PO4)] X

2 mol (PO4) X

1 mol (P) X

30.97g (P)

= 11.6g (P)

310.2g [Ca(PO4)]

1 mol[Ca(PO4)]

1 mol (PO4)

1 mol (P)

Sorry about the formatting, im trying to show stoichiometry.

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Q: How many gram of phosphorus are n 58.1 g of calcium phosphate?
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How many grams of phosphorus are in 500 grams of calcium phosphate?

The mass of phosphorus of any sample of calcium phosphate is the mass of the same multiplied by the percentage that phosphorus makes up of that sample. (mass of sample) x (mass of phosphorus/total mass) Therefore we must look at the chemical formula of the substance in question: Ca3(PO4)2. From this we can see that there are 2 phosphorus atoms attributing mass to the total molecule. The formula becomes: 500 g x 2x30.97 g/mol/310.17 g/mol = 99.8 g molar mass of phosphorus: 30.97 g/mol molar mass of calcium phosphate: 310.17 g/mol total mass: 500 g

What compound forms phosphorus?

No compound forms phosphorus. Phosphorus is an element in its own right, and found in the Periodic Table. Phosphorus is a constituent element in such compounds as phosphorus oxide, phosphoric acid.

How many atoms of phosphorus are in 4.40 mol of copper(II) phosphate?

The number of phosphorus atoms is 5,326095.10e23.

How many phosphorus atoms are there in 1.0 gram phosphorus?

1 gram phosphorus (1mol P/30.97 grams)(6.022 X 10^23/1mol P) = 1.9 X 10^22 atoms of phosphorus

Is phosphorus rare?

No it is not because Phosphorus is never found free in nature, it is widely spread in combination with minerals. Phosphate rock, which contains the mineral apatite, an impure tri-calcium phosphate, is an important source of the element. Large deposits are found in Russia, in Morocco, and in Florida, Tennessee, Utah, and Idaho. You can mine it in many many places, and the gross part is that you can extract P from Urine.

How many grams of nitrogen and phosphorus are available in 1.00 pound of ammonium phosphate?

There is said to be about 600 grams of nitrogen in 1.00 pound of ammonium and 130 pounds of phosphorus available in 1.00 pounds of ammonium phosphate.

What does calcium phosphate look like?

Calcium Phosphate itself is basically a general term for a group of different compounds. But many of its forms appear to be a translucent white salt.

Where can you get phosphorus?

Phosphorus is very important and necessary for maintaining a healthy diet so it is important to know which foods it can be found in. Phosphorus can be found in many diverse foods such as wheat germ, wheat bran, all bran cereals. It is also to be found in many seeds and nuts such as almonds, cashews, peanuts, Brazil nuts sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. You can find it in meat and fish products such as chicken, turkey, beef, salmon, halibut, most fatty fish, kidney and liver. Not to mention it is to be found in many legume/bean products including lentils. You can also find it in fruit and vegetable products such as carrot, cauliflower, corn, peas, potato and banana are good sources. Lets just think about calcium though, phorsphorus and calcium coexist so they are to be found in many of the same sources. This means that phosphorus is found in most dairy products, except their fatty parts like cream and butter for example. So look for phosphorus in milk, and skim milk, yogurt, and cheeses such as mozzarella and cheddar. Since eggs are a good source of calcium and phosphorus try squeezing more eggs into your diet.

How many atoms of phosphorus are in 3.30 mol of copper (ll) phosphate?

The number of atoms is 39,746.10e23.

How many atoms of calcium are in a unit of calcium Phosphate whose formula is Ca3 (PO4)2?

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What is the difference between phosphorus and phosphatase?

Phosphorus is a chemical element, while phosphatase is an enzyme used to remove chemical groups containing phosphorus, called phosphate gr oups, which are present in many bio molecules.

How many atom in phosphate?

Calcium is a 2+ while phosphate is a 3- . To balance them you would need 3 calcium and 2 phosphate. Giving a formula of: Ca3(PO4)2 Therefore: 3 Ca + 2 P + 8 O = 13 atoms