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Carlisle Cullen - Carlisle Cullen Esme Cullen - Esme Platt (after marriage: Esme Evenson) Rosalie Hale - Rosalie Lillian Hale Emmett Cullen - Emmett McCarty Alice Cullen - Mary Alice Brandon Jasper Hale - Jasper Whitlock Edward Cullen - Edward Anthony Masen

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15y ago
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14y ago

Edward Anthony Masen

Isabella Marie Swann

Mary Alice Brandon/Whitlock

Carlisle Cullen

Esme Platt/Evenson/Cullen. She married twice.

Rosalie Lillian Hale/McCarty

Jasper Whitlock

Renesmee Carlie Cullen/Swan/Masen.

Bella's last name and Edward's last name.

/ Means they married or changed their last name or their parents.

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10mo ago

The Cullens' real names before they were turned into vampires were Carlisle, Esme, Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, and Jasper.

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Emmett Cullens real name is Kellan Lutz. Hope this helps! Good luck on finding other names!

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Carlisle Cullen and Esme Cullen as vampires but, the names of his real parents are Edward Mason and Elizabeth Mason.I hope i Helped you and if you need help with more about twilight message me.

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