Elizabeth and Edward Masen in real life and in the movie his parents names are Carlyle and Esme Cullen
Edward Cullen's dad name is Edward senior and Edward Cullen's mom name is Elizabeth
Yes edward ,alice, emmett,jasper,roslie are all adopted
Edward Cullen's soulmate is Bella Swan.
HA!! i think Edward is!!!
Edward's story is gonna be published soon, Stephine Meyer Is working on it right now!
Esme (Mum) Carlisle (Dad)
Carlisle Cullen and Esme Cullen as vampires but, the names of his real parents are Edward Mason and Elizabeth Mason.I hope i Helped you and if you need help with more about twilight message me.
Elizabeth Masen and Edward Masen
Karen and bobby Cullen pff god read the books!
the Cullen coven
They died from the Spanish Influenza
Edward's mother : Elizabeth Masen Edward's father :Edward Senior
Elizabeth and EdwardEdward Cullen's biological parent's complete names were Elizabeth Masen and Edward Masen Sr.Edward Cullen's adoptive parents names are Carlisle and Esme Cullen.
Esme and carlise Cullen! Esme and carlise Cullen!
Edward Cullen's dad name is Edward senior and Edward Cullen's mom name is Elizabeth
spanish influenza i think
Their names are Carlisle and Esme Cullen